War and Peace

Bush’s Blind Spot on Iran Bush’s Blind Spot on Iran

Threatening Iran only strengthens the hand of hard-line nationalists and religious fundamentalists in Tehran.

Aug 18, 2005 / Column / Robert Scheer

The Cindy Factor The Cindy Factor

Will her solitary protest become a turning point for a nation disillusioned with a President and his war?

Aug 13, 2005 / Feature / Bruce Shapiro

The Strategic Class The Strategic Class

Behind Capitol Hill's Democratic war hawks stands an army of 'enablers' - foreign policy advisors, think-tank specialists and pundits.

Aug 11, 2005 / Feature / Ari Berman

Rhetoric & Withdrawal Rhetoric & Withdrawal

As withdrawal from Iraq seems imminent, the antiwar movement must remain focused and organized.

Aug 11, 2005 / The Editors

Mortgaged to the House of Saud Mortgaged to the House of Saud

More evidence that President Bush is losing the "war on terror."

Aug 10, 2005 / Column / Robert Scheer

Reactors & Racism Reactors & Racism

The Entergy Nuclear company of Jackson, Missippippi, with the blessing of the Bush Administration, is seeking preliminary approval to add one or two new nuclear reactors to its...

Aug 3, 2005 / Joseph J. Mangano

Unintended Consequences Unintended Consequences

With its war in Iraq and its talk of promoting democracy, the Bush Administration has begun to transform the Middle East--but not always in ways it may have intended.

Jul 28, 2005 / Feature / The Nation

Iraq: The Human Toll Iraq: The Human Toll

The humanitarian crisis is further evidence of the abysmal failure of US policy.

Jul 25, 2005 / Feature / David Cortright

Willing Executioners Willing Executioners

Machete Season is an attempt to trace what went on in the minds of the Hutus who helped exterminate their Tutsi fellow citizens in Rwanda.

Jul 14, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Fatin Abbas

No Exit Strategy No Exit Strategy

Two new books examine what went wrong in the planning and conduct of the war in Iraq.

Jul 14, 2005 / Books & the Arts / David Rieff
