War and Peace

Genocide in Darfur Genocide in Darfur

Africa Action has launched a petition, supported by the Congressional Black Caucus, that calls on Secretary of State Colin Powell to name the genocide in Darfur and to support imme...

Jun 24, 2004 / Salih Booker and Ann-Louise Colgan

Lies…and Lies Lies…and Lies

Let's not be naïve. Presidents, like diplomats, at times go forth and lie for their country.

Jun 24, 2004 / The Editors

Two, Three, Many Iraqs Two, Three, Many Iraqs

With the recent US setbacks and scandals in Iraq, you'd think the White House would abandon the President's aggressive, unilateralist military policy--the "Bush Doctrine"--and se...

Jun 17, 2004 / Michael T. Klare

Torture and Democracy Torture and Democracy

If there was ever any doubt, it is now clear that the torture at Abu Ghraib cannot be dismissed as the actions of a few bad actors.

Jun 17, 2004 / The Editors

Al Qaeda Disconnect Al Qaeda Disconnect

Though Bush & Cheney insist on a connection, the 9/11 Commission states otherwise.

Jun 17, 2004 / David Corn

Former Bush (41) and Reagan Officials Say Bush (43) Must Go Former Bush (41) and Reagan Officials Say Bush (43) Must Go

these old hands are taking a stand against the most arrogant and incompetent foreign policy in their lifetimes.

Jun 16, 2004 / Feature / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Solidarity in Wartime Solidarity in Wartime

In a Service Employees union hall in Boston, a hospital worker raises her hand.

Jun 10, 2004 / David Bacon

Outlaws on Torture Outlaws on Torture

The "war on terrorism" is in trouble, and at the very moment the Bush Administration needs it most--election season. George W.

Jun 10, 2004 / David Cole

Cold War to Star Wars Cold War to Star Wars

Perhaps the most important question--for present policy-makers as well as historians--posed by the presidency of Ronald Reagan is what role he played in ending the cold war.

Jun 10, 2004 / Jonathan Schell

A Flawed Resolution A Flawed Resolution

With its blueprint for Iraq in tatters, the Bush Administration has been forced to recognize the United Nations as the only body that can confer legitimacy on its continued occup...

Jun 10, 2004 / The Editors
