War and Peace

Voices of the Street Voices of the Street

Even before the crucial February 14 meeting of the Security Council (after this issue went to press), a significant milestone was reached in the form of the proposal by France,...

Feb 13, 2003 / The Editors

The Case Against the War

The Case Against the War The Case Against the War

The revival of nuclear danger means we have already lost, whatever happens later.

Feb 13, 2003 / Feature / Jonathan Schell

A House of Cards A House of Cards

There is a smoking gun.

Feb 12, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer

Lobbying for Peace Lobbying for Peace

All social movements need an "outside" strategy and an "inside" strategy. The growing number of people participating in rallies and marches in opposition to President George W.

Feb 10, 2003 / Feature / Peter Dreier

We Speak Not of Osama We Speak Not of Osama

(With apologies to Cole Porter, the master, who wrote "My Heart Belongs to Daddy")

Feb 6, 2003 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Colin Powell at UN - AP

Powell Fails to Make Case Powell Fails to Make Case

The good soldier’s message at the UN is likely to carry enormous weight in shaping public opinion. But he did not make a compelling case.

Feb 6, 2003 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

In Dubya’s Battle In Dubya’s Battle

Although the Bush Administration acts as if the war train has already left the station, the antiwar forces continue to grow, and they are mobilizing in large numbers for a worl...

Feb 6, 2003 / The Editors

Resist War and Empire Resist War and Empire

With up to 200,000 American and British combat troops already stationed in or on their way to the Persian Gulf area, war with Iraq looks increasingly imminent.

Feb 6, 2003 / Michael T. Klare

Poetry Makes Nothing Happen? Ask Laura Bush Poetry Makes Nothing Happen? Ask Laura Bush

So Laura Bush will not, after all, be discussing the works of Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman and Langston Hughes with a selected group of American poets at the White House on Fe...

Feb 6, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Katha Pollitt

Letter From London Letter From London

Europeans opposed to war in Iraq are united by a deep distrust, even fear, of America.

Feb 6, 2003 / Feature / D.D. Guttenplan
