War and Peace

Schröder’s Kulturkampf Schröder’s Kulturkampf

Coming as it did in the final weeks of a precarious re-election campaign, incumbent German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's resolute "No" to German participation in any US-le...

Oct 24, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Hugh Eakin

Against Fundamentalism Against Fundamentalism

Like most New Yorkers, like most Americans, the attacks of September 11 made me very angry.

Oct 18, 2002 / Editorial / Tim Robbins

Did the CIA Blow the Call? Did the CIA Blow the Call?

Shortly after Ronald Reagan became President of the United States, the nation's capital got a second morning newspaper. Eventually, Dr. Ronald Goodwin, formerly the Rev.

Oct 17, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Dusko Doder

Chickenhawk Politics Chickenhawk Politics

The war debate is not over.

Oct 17, 2002 / Editorial / The Editors

Legal Jeopardy Legal Jeopardy

The military needs more lawyers. More accurately, the Defense Department wants military recruiters to recruit law students on campus and through official channels.

Oct 17, 2002 / Editorial / Kristin Eliasberg

Starring Jimmy Carter, in War and Peace Starring Jimmy Carter, in War and Peace

Now they've given Jimmy Carter the Nobel Peace Prize. Looking at the present, wretched incumbent, Democrats feel smug about their paladin of peace.

Oct 17, 2002 / Beat the Devil / Alexander Cockburn

The Fear Factor The Fear Factor

George Bush's speech from Cincinnati was calm, composed, reasonable--a studied performance calculated to win plaudits from the punditry and the consent of Congress to an Iraq r...

Oct 10, 2002 / Editorial / The Editors

Peace Gets a Chance Peace Gets a Chance

"You look beautiful," shouted more than one speaker to the crowd that gathered in New York's Central Park on Sunday, October 6, to protest George W.

Oct 10, 2002 / Editorial / Liza Featherstone

Ashcroft, Unabashed Ashcroft, Unabashed

There you go again, Mr. Ashcroft.

Oct 10, 2002 / Editorial / David Cole

US Double Standards US Double Standards

The effort by the Bush Administration and Congress to portray the planned invasion of Iraq as simply an effort to enforce United Nations Security Council resolutions reaches a ...

Oct 10, 2002 / Editorial / Stephen Zunes
