Simplistic Hunt for Evil in a Complex World Simplistic Hunt for Evil in a Complex World
Doomed by the incoherence of a foreign policy defined largely by biblical notions of the struggle between good and evil, the Bush Administration thrashes about in its hunt for th...
Aug 21, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer
Iraq: The Doubters Grow Iraq: The Doubters Grow
This past week confirmed that the American political establishment is not united in support of the Bush Administration's policy of forcible "regime change" in Iraq. Odd as it m...
Aug 15, 2002 / The Editors
The Rush to War The Rush to War
The American Constitution at the very beginning of the Republic sought above all to guard the country against reckless, ill-considered recourse to war. It required a declaratio...
Aug 1, 2002 / Richard Falk
Iraq Woos Its Neighbors Iraq Woos Its Neighbors
With the drumbeat for war on Iraq growing louder in Washington by the day, the latest United States-backed Iraqi opposition group--the Iraqi Military Alliance--was established ...
Aug 1, 2002 / Dilip Hiro
Macbeth in Mesopotamia Macbeth in Mesopotamia
Concerning the impending or perhaps imminent intervention in Iraq, we now inhabit a peculiar limbo, where the military options are known while the political and moral options are n...
Aug 1, 2002 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
9/11: The Satire 9/11: The Satire
I don't know if it's some childhood image left over from Victory at Sea or from a book of pictures my uncle brought back from the service, but when I think about the war in the Pa...
Aug 1, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Hal Gelb
In Cold Type In Cold Type
It seems a long time ago that I stocked my pantry (pantry is a concept in Manhattan, not a reality) with two weeks' worth of emergency food (including powdered milk, an oddly c...
Aug 1, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Amy Wilentz
War in Colombia’s Oilfields War in Colombia’s Oilfields
Counterinsurgency aid will be a big boost to Occidental Petroleum.
Jul 18, 2002 / Feature / Steven Dudley
Bennett’s Pledge of Allegiance Bennett’s Pledge of Allegiance
Jul 18, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Marcus G. Raskin
1776 and All That 1776 and All That
The country is riven and ailing, with a guns-plus-butter nuttiness in some of its governing echelons and the sort of lapsed logic implicit in the collapse of trust in money-center...
Jul 3, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Edward Hoagland