War and Peace

As the Press Turns As the Press Turns

Quick, pinch me--am I still living in the same country? Reading and watching the same media? This "Bob Woodward" fellow who co-wrote a tough piece in the May 18 Washington Post...

May 23, 2002 / Michael Tomasky

Justice Can’t Be Done in Secret Justice Can’t Be Done in Secret

Why public and press have a right to witness military tribunal proceedings.

May 23, 2002 / Feature / Edward J. Klaris

Homeland Security X 50 Homeland Security X 50

State officials rush to declare their own versions of the "war on terror."

May 16, 2002 / Feature / Eve Pell

On Justifying Intervention On Justifying Intervention

The twentieth century was arguably the bloodiest in modern history, earning from one commentator the moniker of the Age of Barbarism. From the Nazi genocide, to the killing fields...

May 2, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Joseph Nevins

Kerrey’s Case: Not Closed Kerrey’s Case: Not Closed

One year after the story broke that a Navy SEAL team under his command was involved in an atrocity during the Vietnam War, former Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey stood before a packed...

May 2, 2002 / Eyal Press

Understanding Ashcroft Understanding Ashcroft

I am beginning to suspect that Nation readers may not fully appreciate the challenges Attorney General John Ashcroft faces. What would you do in his place? Your intelligence agenc...

Apr 18, 2002 / David Cole

Ending the Death Dance Ending the Death Dance

Israel and Palestine will not find peace until both have security and sovereignty.

Apr 11, 2002 / Feature / Richard Falk

Lying in State Lying in State

How cool is Jennifer Harbury? She is currently arguing her own case before the Supreme Court, demanding the right to sue the government because, she maintains, its leaders delibe...

Apr 4, 2002 / Column / Eric Alterman

Questions for Mr. Bush Questions for Mr. Bush

The Bush Administration has vigorously and effectively responded to the terrorist attack of September 11. The country seems united behind that effort. Certainly there was no hint ...

Apr 4, 2002 / George McGovern

Peace And Nuclear Disarmament: A Call To Action Peace And Nuclear Disarmament: A Call To Action

"... Come my friends, 'tis not too late to seek a newer world, ..."

Apr 1, 2002 / Dennis Kucinich
