War and Peace

Close, But No Cigar Close, But No Cigar

On August 20 last, President Clinton personally ordered the leveling of the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant on the outskirts of Khartoum.

Oct 5, 1998 / Column / Christopher Hitchens

The Gift of Time The Gift of Time

The case for abolition of nuclear weapons.

Feb 2, 1998 / Jonathan Schell

Very Civil Disobedience Very Civil Disobedience

Whatever the ultimate effect last week's mammoth disarmament rally in New York City will have on the prospects for world peace, it did much to rehabilitate the idea of peaceful p...

Jan 2, 1998 / The Editors

A Deserter From Death A Deserter From Death

One of the first signs of old age, I'm told, is when a young woman offers you her seat on a bus (and the next stage, presumably, is when you accept it).

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer

The End of History The End of History

In 1996, Gore Vidal narrated his debacle defending the programs he wrote for the History Channel, which dealt with on the imperial aspects latent in the American presidency, to a p...

Sep 30, 1996 / Gore Vidal

Mythologizing the Bomb

Mythologizing the Bomb Mythologizing the Bomb

The beauty of the atomic scientists' calculations hid from them the truly Faustian contract they scratched their names to.

Aug 14, 1995 / E.L. Doctorow

Gore Vidal

Requiem for the American Empire Requiem for the American Empire

“Empires are restless organisms. They must constantly renew themselves; should an empire start leaking energy, it will die.”

Jan 11, 1986 / Gore Vidal

Rosa Luxemburg grave in Berlin

A Spartacan Manifesto A Spartacan Manifesto

Shortly after the murders of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, The Nation published the manifesto of the German Spartacists, a group the pair co-founded to incite a Marxist revol...

Mar 8, 1919 / Clara Zetkin, Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, and Franz Mehring
