Bush’s Globalized NATO Bush’s Globalized NATO
As envisioned by the Administration, it's unilateralism with a multilateral face.
Dec 7, 2001 / Feature / Sherle R. Schwenninger
More Juice? More Juice?
What plagued the O.J. Simpson trial—corruption, malfeasance and a breakdown of the rule of law—is exactly what the 'war on terror' is achieving in its blind que...
Dec 7, 2001 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
The Other Ground Zero The Other Ground Zero
Research support provided by the Investigative Fund of the Nation Institute.
Nov 30, 2001 / Feature / Aram Roston
Who Pays for Nuclear Power? Who Pays for Nuclear Power?
The Price Anderson Act has discouraged the development of safer, less costly sources of energy than nuclear power. Join your voice to those calling for Congress to not renew its ...
Nov 30, 2001 / Matt Bivens
New World, Old Order New World, Old Order
We are all multilateralists now, or so President George W. Bush would have us believe.
Nov 29, 2001 / Feature / Jerry W. Sanders
The Ends of War The Ends of War
Now that the Taliban regime has fallen in Afghanistan, that group's leaders can face fair and open trials for their crimes against humanity.
Nov 29, 2001 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
Bringing the Holy War Home Bringing the Holy War Home
There is a link between our own cultural conflicts and the logic of jihad.
Nov 29, 2001 / Feature / Ellen Willis
US Can’t Just Hit and Run US Can’t Just Hit and Run
Ronald Reagan celebrated them as "freedom fighters" for upholding "the ideals of freedom and independence" and declared a day in their honor.
Nov 27, 2001 / Column / Robert Scheer
Is the US Training Terrorists? Is the US Training Terrorists?
Father Roy Bourgeois, the charismatic Maryknoll priest who has, since 1990, led the annual protest against against the United States' most infamous military training facility, was...
Nov 27, 2001 / Feature / Chris Kromm and Jordan Green
What’s Left? A New Life for Progressivism What’s Left? A New Life for Progressivism
NEW YORK--In the aftermath of September 11, pundits were quick to proclaim the American left a victim of the war on terrorism, for two reasons.
Nov 27, 2001 / Katrina vanden Heuvel and Joel Rogers