Barbara Lee Wins a House Vote to Stop the Blank Checks for Endless War Barbara Lee Wins a House Vote to Stop the Blank Checks for Endless War
Almost 18 years after Lee cast the sole vote against the open-ended AUMF, the House finally passed a bill that would sunset it.
Jun 19, 2019 / John Nichols

Two Young Iraqi Activists Insist on Peace Two Young Iraqi Activists Insist on Peace
Noof Assi and Zain Mohammed have been organizing gatherings and carnivals even in the face of Trump’s warmongering.
Jun 14, 2019 / Laura Gottesdiener

The War Crimes Trump Can’t Pardon The War Crimes Trump Can’t Pardon
The president is considering pardons for military members accused of war crimes, but the officials responsible for our disastrous wars already have free passes.
Jun 7, 2019 / Rebecca Gordon

The US Military Is Preparing for a New War The US Military Is Preparing for a New War
After years of a fruitless War on Terror, the Pentagon is turning its focus to China and Russia.
Jun 5, 2019 / Michael T. Klare

In Search of a Green New Foreign Policy In Search of a Green New Foreign Policy
Domestically, progressives advocate a broad alternative to our disastrous environmental course. Where is the plan for reducing our damage abroad?
May 30, 2019 / Robert L. Borosage

The Only Place in America Remembering the War on Terror The Only Place in America Remembering the War on Terror
Marseilles, Illinois, holds the only memorial commemorating the 8,000-plus soldiers who have died in the various US military campaigns throughout the Middle East.
May 23, 2019 / Andrew J. Bacevich

Trump May Not Want War With Iran—but the Coalition of the Killing May Give Him One Trump May Not Want War With Iran—but the Coalition of the Killing May Give Him One
That’s why it’s critical that the public, Congress, and especially Dems seeking to replace Trump in 2020 speak out against it now.
May 17, 2019 / Bob Dreyfuss

Will the Easter Attacks Open New Fault Lines in Sri Lanka? Will the Easter Attacks Open New Fault Lines in Sri Lanka?
In India, Hindu nationalists could use the bombings as an excuse to further divide and oppress.
May 3, 2019 / Barbara Crossette

The Pentagon’s Long Con The Pentagon’s Long Con
The US military-industrial complex has been swindling Americans for decades.
Apr 30, 2019 / William Astore

The New Face of American War Is a Robot The New Face of American War Is a Robot
Artificial intelligence makes it easier for us to think of war in the abstract—and makes it harder to stop fighting.
Apr 29, 2019 / Allegra Harpootlian and Emily Manna