War on Terror

Saudi airstrike aftermath

Congress Must End US Military Support for the Horrific Saudi Bombing of Yemen Congress Must End US Military Support for the Horrific Saudi Bombing of Yemen

A humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Yemen, and the US military is making things worse. Four members of Congress want to force a vote that could get the US out of an undeclared wa...

Sep 28, 2017 / John Nichols

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders Opened A New Foreign-Policy Debate Bernie Sanders Opened A New Foreign-Policy Debate

But there are a lot of details that still need to be filled in.

Sep 28, 2017 / Robert L. Borosage

Trump addresses the UN

Is Your Senator Enabling Donald Trump’s Warmongering? Is Your Senator Enabling Donald Trump’s Warmongering?

Rand Paul tried to take away the president’s blank check for endless war, but a number of Democrats joined most Republicans in a Senate vote that let Trump keep it.

Sep 26, 2017 / John Nichols

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders Just Gave One of the Finest Speeches of His Career Bernie Sanders Just Gave One of the Finest Speeches of His Career

Outlining a vision of an America on the side of peace and justice, the senator shredded Trump’s brutish foreign policies.

Sep 21, 2017 / John Nichols

Widespread Drought

It’s 2025. The Temperature Is 112 Degrees. We Bombed 15 Countries Last Year. It’s 2025. The Temperature Is 112 Degrees. We Bombed 15 Countries Last Year.

It might seem crazy—but so did the election of Donald J. Trump.

Sep 21, 2017 / Tom Engelhardt

US Soldiers in Afghanistan

What the US Military (Still) Doesn’t Understand About Afghanistan What the US Military (Still) Doesn’t Understand About Afghanistan

Sixteen years in, the Pentagon hasn’t learned any lessons.

Sep 20, 2017 / Ann Jones

Trump at Andrews Air Force Base

The ‘World’s Greatest Military’ Is Indeed Great—at Defeating Itself The ‘World’s Greatest Military’ Is Indeed Great—at Defeating Itself

American forces seek to dominate everywhere, but they win decisively nowhere.

Sep 12, 2017 / William J. Astore

The Pentagon

The Pentagon’s Next Frontier for War Might be Space The Pentagon’s Next Frontier for War Might be Space

And that should scare us.

Sep 11, 2017 / Alfred McCoy

Soldiers Mourn

What Are American Soldiers Actually Dying For? What Are American Soldiers Actually Dying For?

It’s time to reconsider whether the United States is really a force for good in the Middle East.

Sep 7, 2017 / Danny Sjursen

Navy Drone

Growing Up With Big Brother Growing Up With Big Brother

A historian tracks half a century of evolving state surveillance.

Aug 24, 2017 / Alfred McCoy
