War on Terror

Chris Matthews Can’t Go ‘Homeland’ Again

Chris Matthews Can’t Go ‘Homeland’ Again Chris Matthews Can’t Go ‘Homeland’ Again

The word “homeland,” he says, will “get us further into wars."

Sep 12, 2014 / Leslie Savan

The Fatal Flaw in American Foreign Policy

The Fatal Flaw in American Foreign Policy The Fatal Flaw in American Foreign Policy

The orthodox American policy is that if challenged, the US must go to war to prove itself, to show the world it is still Superman and willing to shed blood and treasure to defend t...

Sep 4, 2014 / William Greider

Why Congress Must Impose Limits on the Use of Force in Iraq

Why Congress Must Impose Limits on the Use of Force in Iraq Why Congress Must Impose Limits on the Use of Force in Iraq

If we don’t act now, constitutional restraints on presidential warmaking will be eviscerated.

Sep 3, 2014 / Robert Naiman

Washington Created its Own Worst Nightmare—but it Could Still Create Something Worse

Washington Created its Own Worst Nightmare—but it Could Still Create Something Worse Washington Created its Own Worst Nightmare—but it Could Still Create Something Worse

The calls for escalating military action against Islamic State (IS) ignore thirteen years of evidence that US intervention usually accomplishes the opposite of what Washington inte...

Sep 2, 2014 / Tom Engelhardt

How John Walker Lindh Became ‘Detainee 001’

How John Walker Lindh Became ‘Detainee 001’ How John Walker Lindh Became ‘Detainee 001’

The father of a young man captured while fighting for the Taliban in 2001 reminds us of the “dark side” of US policy after 9/11.

Aug 29, 2014 / Frank Lindh

US Condemnation of Press Restrictions Abroad Is Starting to Look Hypocritical

US Condemnation of Press Restrictions Abroad Is Starting to Look Hypocritical US Condemnation of Press Restrictions Abroad Is Starting to Look Hypocritical

Here at home, those charged with protecting our press freedom are endangering it instead. 

Aug 27, 2014 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

‘We Tortured Some Folks’

‘We Tortured Some Folks’ ‘We Tortured Some Folks’

And the only government official who went to jail for it was the whistleblower who exposed it.

Aug 12, 2014 / Tom Tomorrow

America: The Impotent Superpower

America: The Impotent Superpower America: The Impotent Superpower

American military and corporate power have triumphed over all rivals—so why does the United States still struggle to impose its will on the world?

Jul 14, 2014 / Tom Engelhardt

Does America Still Torture?

Does America Still Torture? Does America Still Torture?

President Barack Obama made a big deal of turning the page on Bush-era “interrogration techniques,” but how much has really changed?

Jul 10, 2014 / Rebecca Gordon

It’s Still About the Oil, Stupid!

It’s Still About the Oil, Stupid! It’s Still About the Oil, Stupid!

Once again, the media fails to address the issue underlying much of the violence in Iraq—control over its most precious resource.

Jun 24, 2014 / Michael Schwartz
