War on Terror

Despite Boston, Terror Is at an All-Time Low

Despite Boston, Terror Is at an All-Time Low Despite Boston, Terror Is at an All-Time Low

So let's take another look at the Patriot Act, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Northern Command.

Apr 17, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

Drone Warfare: Neither Cheap, nor Surgical, nor Decisive

Drone Warfare: Neither Cheap, nor Surgical, nor Decisive Drone Warfare: Neither Cheap, nor Surgical, nor Decisive

Since the dawn of air power, supporters have advanced fantasies that, again and again, have failed to pan out—while civilians die in often staggering numbers.

Mar 25, 2013 / William J. Astore

Bad Wars, Now and Forever

Bad Wars, Now and Forever Bad Wars, Now and Forever

Our self-righteous country has a history of justifying conflicts that were based on lies.

Mar 19, 2013 / Robert Scheer

NYPD Surveillance of Muslims Has Created a Climate of Fear

NYPD Surveillance of Muslims Has Created a Climate of Fear NYPD Surveillance of Muslims Has Created a Climate of Fear

A new report by civil liberties groups reveals self-censorship and decreased participation in community groups as a result of police hounding.

Mar 18, 2013 / Petra Bartosiewicz

The Iraq Invasion, Ten Years Later

The Iraq Invasion, Ten Years Later The Iraq Invasion, Ten Years Later

Is there any benefit to be found in an unbroken record of waste, futility and shame? Only if lessons learned prevent a catastrophe in Iran.

Mar 13, 2013 / Jonathan Schell

Our ‘Government of Laws’ Is Now Above the Law

Our ‘Government of Laws’ Is Now Above the Law Our ‘Government of Laws’ Is Now Above the Law

The US Attorney General has recently stated that drone strikes on Americans are possible and that banks complicit in the financial crisis are too big to prosecute.

Mar 12, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Why the Invasion of Iraq Was the Single Worst Foreign Policy Decision in American History

Why the Invasion of Iraq Was the Single Worst Foreign Policy Decision in American History Why the Invasion of Iraq Was the Single Worst Foreign Policy Decision in American History

Ignore the jingoism, from politicians and the press—the tenth anniversary marks a tenth year from hell. 

Mar 7, 2013 / Peter Van Buren

Lessons From Mali, Algeria and Libya Lessons From Mali, Algeria and Libya

Expanding Washington’s military footprint in North Africa may be well intended, but it could be destabilizing and lead to blowback.

Feb 13, 2013 / The Editors

What’s Wrong With Obama’s Drone Policy

What’s Wrong With Obama’s Drone Policy What’s Wrong With Obama’s Drone Policy

The White House evidently believes it can kill us in secret and never own up to the fact.

Feb 13, 2013 / David Cole

‘America Doesn’t Torture’—It Kills

‘America Doesn’t Torture’—It Kills ‘America Doesn’t Torture’—It Kills

Even if we like President Obama, do we want him to be a one-man death panel?

Feb 13, 2013 / Column / Katha Pollitt
