War on Terror

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Rethinking Perpetual War and How We Wage It

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Rethinking Perpetual War and How We Wage It Katrina vanden Heuvel: Rethinking Perpetual War and How We Wage It

With covert ops and drone warfare on the rise, we have to ask ourselves about how we fight terrorism.

Jan 28, 2013 / Press Room

‘Bug Splat’: Council on Foreign Relations, Rep. Keith Ellison Call for Drone Reform ‘Bug Splat’: Council on Foreign Relations, Rep. Keith Ellison Call for Drone Reform

The CFR report concludes that “the current trajectory of US drone strike policies is unsustainable."

Jan 18, 2013 / Tom Hayden

Another Word For Propaganda: On ‘Zero Dark Thirty’

Another Word For Propaganda: On ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ Another Word For Propaganda: On ‘Zero Dark Thirty’

Why aren’t film director Kathryn Bigelow’s claimed government sources, including employees of the CIA, in jail like Bradley Manning?

Jan 18, 2013 / Robert Scheer

Newtown, Afghanistan Newtown, Afghanistan

Isn't a slaughtered child is a slaughtered child, regardless of where they come from?

Dec 24, 2012 / Bob Dreyfuss

Our National Torture Policy

Our National Torture Policy Our National Torture Policy

As Zero Dark Thirty reminds us, Americans have yet to face the torture committed on our behalf. 

Dec 18, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Peter Van Buren

The US Military Approves Bombing Children The US Military Approves Bombing Children

It’s not just all “military age males” being targeted in Afghanistan. Now, it’s kids, too, says the Military Times.

Dec 4, 2012 / Bob Dreyfuss

At Guantánamo, the Government Is Still Making Up the Law as It Goes Along

At Guantánamo, the Government Is Still Making Up the Law as It Goes Along At Guantánamo, the Government Is Still Making Up the Law as It Goes Along

Regardless of who wins on November 6, there are no signs that either Romney or Obama will act to dismantle the lawless military commissions created after 9/11.

Oct 31, 2012 / John Knefel

The Failure of the Obama Doctrine

The Failure of the Obama Doctrine The Failure of the Obama Doctrine

The US empire is a lesson in how not to change a changing world. 

Oct 25, 2012 / Nick Turse

The Endless Drone Killing Program The Endless Drone Killing Program

The Washington Post investigative piece is truly frightening. The “Global War on Terror” goes on and on. 

Oct 24, 2012 / Bob Dreyfuss

Obama and Romney Versus the Public on Afghanistan Obama and Romney Versus the Public on Afghanistan

Both candidates agree on Afghanistan—but few Americans join them. 

Oct 22, 2012 / George Zornick
