Working Conditions

A farm worker picks avocados from Hoja Redonda plantation in Chincha, Peru, September 3, 2015.

Why the TPP Won’t Work for Workers Why the TPP Won’t Work for Workers

The trade deal’s soft stance on labor protections is what makes it so attractive to both business and governments.

Oct 7, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Obit Marty Beil

A Union Leader Who Always Knew Which Side He Was On A Union Leader Who Always Knew Which Side He Was On

AFSCME leader Marty Beil battled Scott Walker on behalf of public employees and the public good.

Oct 5, 2015 / John Nichols


In America, the Poorer You Are, the Poorer Your Children Will Be In America, the Poorer You Are, the Poorer Your Children Will Be

This country’s terrible social safety net is making it impossible for working-class parents to keep up with their wealthier peers.

Sep 28, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Warehouse Workers of Los Angeles, Unite!

Warehouse Workers of Los Angeles, Unite! Warehouse Workers of Los Angeles, Unite!

Following in the footsteps of their fellow port truckers, California Cartage warehouse workers are demanding their fair share of the global economic pie.

Sep 23, 2015 / Michelle Chen


In America, You Can Work Hard, Play By the Rules, and Still Get Screwed In America, You Can Work Hard, Play By the Rules, and Still Get Screwed

According to Barbara Ehrenreich, being steadily employed ain’t what it used to be.

Sep 23, 2015 / Pat Tomaino, James M. Larkin, and Zach Goldhammer

Scott Walker Campaign

Union Busting Was a Bust for Scott Walker’s Presidential Run Union Busting Was a Bust for Scott Walker’s Presidential Run

The failed candidate’s core message did not resonate, and he had nothing else to offer.

Sep 22, 2015 / John Nichols

Why Is College So Expensive if Professors Are Paid So Little?

Why Is College So Expensive if Professors Are Paid So Little? Why Is College So Expensive if Professors Are Paid So Little?

These are educational professionals, and they need to be compensated like they are.

Sep 21, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Bernie on TPP

Bernie Sanders Offers GOP Debaters a Tutorial on Democratic Socialism Bernie Sanders Offers GOP Debaters a Tutorial on Democratic Socialism

The Republican candidates had a lot to say about the senator, and he has something to say to them.  

Sep 18, 2015 / John Nichols

Garment workers

Yes, Your T-Shirt Was ‘Made in LA’—and the Worker Got 4 Cents For It Yes, Your T-Shirt Was ‘Made in LA’—and the Worker Got 4 Cents For It

Why the sorry state of Los Angeles garment manufacturing should put serious attention on sweatshops—here in the US and across the world.

Sep 11, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Journalists at Al Jazeera America.

The Unionization of Digital Media The Unionization of Digital Media

A recent string of campaigns show that while unions at “legacy” newspapers are eroding, organizing still has a place in the digital space.

Sep 8, 2015 / Michelle Chen
