Want to Exploit Retail Workers? In San Francisco, It’ll Cost You Want to Exploit Retail Workers? In San Francisco, It’ll Cost You
The city now has a Retail Workers Bill of Rights.
Dec 5, 2014 / Michelle Chen
It Is Time for a Retail Workers’ Bill of Rights It Is Time for a Retail Workers’ Bill of Rights
Let’s get serious about addressing erratic, constantly changing schedules that are a Holiday-season nightmare for workers.
Dec 1, 2014 / John Nichols
This Will Make You Think Twice About Getting That Manicure This Will Make You Think Twice About Getting That Manicure
Could the chemicals in beauty products be causing long-term health problems for salon workers?
Nov 17, 2014 / Michelle Chen
Surprise: Whole Foods Is Not the World’s Greatest Employer Surprise: Whole Foods Is Not the World’s Greatest Employer
San Francisco employees of the green-capitalism giant are organizing themselves to fight for livable working conditions.
Nov 14, 2014 / Michelle Chen
Why Women Should Get the Rest of the Year Off Why Women Should Get the Rest of the Year Off
The average American woman works for “free” for two months thanks to the wage gap and unpaid labor.
Nov 13, 2014 / Bryce Covert
Are Fracking Workers Being Poisoned on the Job? Are Fracking Workers Being Poisoned on the Job?
A new study suggests air pollution near fracking sites may be worse than previously estimated—putting workers and local residents at increased risk of cancer, birth defects and oth...
Nov 10, 2014 / Michelle Chen
Will the Midterms Create a Mandate for Minimum Wage Hikes? Will the Midterms Create a Mandate for Minimum Wage Hikes?
Progressives should not think of this election as another Republican “shellacking,” but as the year some Americans got a raise.
Nov 4, 2014 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Americans Are Working So Hard, It’s Actually Killing People Americans Are Working So Hard, It’s Actually Killing People
The jobless recovery means massive speedups for many workers you depend on.
Oct 28, 2014 / Feature / Esther Kaplan
A Real Sharing Economy A Real Sharing Economy
One of the overlooked problems driving our country’s jobs crisis isn’t unemployment—it’s just not having enough work. The shadow figure that lurks behind the unemployment rate is underemployment: people who want—and need—full-time work but are only able to find part-time hours, or who have gotten “discouraged” from job-seeking. Including those people, the broad measure of underemployment hovers around 12 percent. These days, people struggle full-time to juggle multiple part-time jobs, even as they suffer from the loss of healthcare and other social protections. They are overworked and underemployed. But it’s not that the underemployed simply want to work more; they also want to earn more. One way to square the lack of work with the need for income is work-sharing, which allows companies to distribute hours so that people work less, while ensuring that there’s still enough work to go around to prevent layoffs. For example, as explained in a new study by the National Employment Law Project, if a factory wants to cut its workforce by the equivalent of five employees, “Under work-sharing, the employer could instead reduce the hours of 25 employees by 20 percent, and those workers would receive a pro-rated [unemployment insurance] payment for their one day per week of unemployment, while maintaining any existing health and retirement benefits.” Cutting back hours typically harms workers, but what makes work-share less painful is that the government subsidizes the balance. About half of the fifty states have implemented some form of work-sharing, but now state lawmakers are approaching a year-end federal deadline to apply for funds. A bill to renew the legislation, the Layoff Prevention Act, is pending. Please support our journalism. Get a digital subscription for just $9.50! The central premise of work-sharing is that the state has a responsibility to support the restructuring of labor to protect workers. This is not a new idea: work-sharing is more widespread in European countries, particularly Belgium, Germany and Italy—and California introduced a statewide work-sharing program in the late 1970s. In the wake of the Great Recession, Washington passed legislation allowing states to use federally approved work-share programs to cope with epidemic levels of long-term joblessness. Politicians try to spin the economic crisis by talking about the need for “shared sacrifice”—code for coddling big business at the expense of workers. Now that Washington is offering a small way to redistribute workers’ time without sacrificing all their income, states have a chance to really put their money where their mouth is. Read Next: Peter Van Buren on the new minimum-wage economy
Oct 22, 2014 / Michelle Chen
Workers Bring $15 Hourly Wage Challenge to Walmart Workers Bring $15 Hourly Wage Challenge to Walmart
In protests around the country on Thursday, Walmart workers presented a simple demand: full-time work at $15 an hour.
Oct 17, 2014 / Michelle Chen