Life Inside the New Minimum Wage Economy Life Inside the New Minimum Wage Economy
Taxpayers are basically moneylenders to a government that is far more interested in subsidizing business than in caring for their workers.
Apr 24, 2014 / Peter Van Buren

Your Government Owes You a Job Your Government Owes You a Job
The federal government can easily afford a job guarantee program, becoming our employer of last resort.
Apr 23, 2014 / Raúl Carrillo

What the French E-mail Meme Says About Your American Job What the French E-mail Meme Says About Your American Job
What if we really worked 9 to 5?
Apr 16, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Can China’s Workers Get Their Government to Follow Its Own Labor Laws? Can China’s Workers Get Their Government to Follow Its Own Labor Laws?
Could China’s justice system be morphing from an instrument of the authoritarian state into a contested political terrain?
Apr 16, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Why We Can’t Strip Race Out of the Gender Wage Gap Conversation Why We Can’t Strip Race Out of the Gender Wage Gap Conversation
There’s no objective explanation for why black women make less than white women.
Apr 15, 2014 / Bryce Covert

Why Do Bosses Want Their Employees’ Salaries to Be Secret? Why Do Bosses Want Their Employees’ Salaries to Be Secret?
The struggle for fair pay isn’t captured in wage statistics; it’s part of a struggle against the asymmetry of knowledge that divides management and labor.
Apr 11, 2014 / Michelle Chen

What If the Minimum Wage Were $15 an Hour? What If the Minimum Wage Were $15 an Hour?
Inside the movement that’s pushing to make a living wage a reality in Seattle.
Apr 8, 2014 / Feature / Sasha Abramsky

This Activist Gave His Life to Sound the Alarm on Bangladesh’s Labor Crisis This Activist Gave His Life to Sound the Alarm on Bangladesh’s Labor Crisis
Bangladesh’s factories remain not only unsafe places to work but also unsafe places for workers to speak up for their rights.
Apr 4, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Why You Should Call Apple Today Why You Should Call Apple Today
On Tuesday, April 1, call Apple to demand the company protect its workers from dangerous chemicals.
Apr 1, 2014 / NationAction

$2.13 an Hour? Why the Tipped Minimum Wage Has to Go $2.13 an Hour? Why the Tipped Minimum Wage Has to Go
The “tip credit” or “subminimum wage” system basically leaves it up to the consumer to provide the bulk of workers’ earnings. So the custome...
Mar 31, 2014 / Michelle Chen