Brain Drain and the Politics of Immigration Brain Drain and the Politics of Immigration
The migration of highly skilled workers can pay dividends for immigrants and their employers, but it produces losers as well.
Feb 26, 2014 / Nathalie Baptiste and Foreign Policy In Focus

Why Are So Many Workers Dying in Oil Fields? Why Are So Many Workers Dying in Oil Fields?
Lax safety standards prevent OSHA from investigating the majority of oil-field accidents.
Feb 25, 2014 / Steven Hsieh

UAW and VW Seek Economic High Road, Anti-Union Pols Seek to Block It UAW and VW Seek Economic High Road, Anti-Union Pols Seek to Block It
A Tennessee union vote could reshape American manufacturing.
Feb 13, 2014 / John Nichols

Cuomo’s Bogus Logic vs. de Blasio’s Call for a Higher Wage Cuomo’s Bogus Logic vs. de Blasio’s Call for a Higher Wage
The governor says a higher minimum wage in New York City could cause chaos.
Feb 12, 2014 / Jarrett Murphy

A Snow Day Cost This Woman Her Job at Whole Foods A Snow Day Cost This Woman Her Job at Whole Foods
All over the country, parents are losing jobs because of conflicting orders: public health officials instructing parents to keep kids home, and bosses threatening to fire workers w...
Feb 10, 2014 / Ellen Bravo

Rand Paul Gets the Math Wrong on the Minimum Wage Rand Paul Gets the Math Wrong on the Minimum Wage
Paul claims that increasing the minimum wage leads to higher unemployment; actual economists disagree.
Feb 10, 2014 / Barbara Koeppel

As Support for Raising the Minimum Wage Grows, Call on Congress to Get On Board As Support for Raising the Minimum Wage Grows, Call on Congress to Get On Board
In the week since President Obama announced that he would raise the minimum wage for federal contractors, pressure has been growing for politicians to do the same for low-wage work...
Feb 6, 2014 / NationAction

Would You Want Your 12-Year-Old Child Picking Tobacco? Would You Want Your 12-Year-Old Child Picking Tobacco?
Fusion and the Nation I-Fund report on the thousands of child farmworkers laboring in American tobacco fields.
Feb 5, 2014 / Press Room

Want to See Pay Discrimination Against Women? Look at the Top. Want to See Pay Discrimination Against Women? Look at the Top.
Female CEOs are consistently paid less than male ones. What have they done to deserve less pay?
Feb 5, 2014 / Bryce Covert

How Crowdworkers Became the Ghosts in the Digital Machine How Crowdworkers Became the Ghosts in the Digital Machine
Since 2005, Amazon has helped create one of the most exploited workforces no one has ever seen.
Feb 5, 2014 / Feature / Moshe Z. Marvit