Working Conditions

The Workers Who Bring You Black Friday

The Workers Who Bring You Black Friday The Workers Who Bring You Black Friday

My life as a temp in California’s Inland Empire, the belly of the online shopping beast.

Nov 26, 2013 / Feature / Gabriel Thompson

Why Women Workers Are Risk-Averse—and That’s Okay

Why Women Workers Are Risk-Averse—and That’s Okay Why Women Workers Are Risk-Averse—and That’s Okay

Society gives women little room to make mistakes, but their aversion to risk taking may pay off for companies’ bottom lines.

Nov 26, 2013 / Bryce Covert

Demand an End to Child Labor

Demand an End to Child Labor Demand an End to Child Labor

Thanks to a loophole in the Fair Labor Standards Act, children in the United States as young as twelve are allowed to do often dangerous and backbreaking agricultural work.

Nov 14, 2013 / NationAction

John Nichols: The Majority of Americans Support Raising the Minimum Wage

John Nichols: The Majority of Americans Support Raising the Minimum Wage John Nichols: The Majority of Americans Support Raising the Minimum Wage

Even 58 percent of Republicans support an increase to $9 an hour.

Nov 14, 2013 / Press Room

Child Labor in the USA

Child Labor in the USA Child Labor in the USA

The country must find the political will to end this national disgrace.

Nov 13, 2013 / The Editors

Why Are Children Working in American Tobacco Fields?

Why Are Children Working in American Tobacco Fields? Why Are Children Working in American Tobacco Fields?

Young farm workers are falling ill from “green tobacco sickness” while the industry denies it and government lets it happen.

Nov 12, 2013 / Feature / Gabriel Thompson

Regulations Are Killed, and Kids Die

Regulations Are Killed, and Kids Die Regulations Are Killed, and Kids Die

Under pressure, the Obama administration withdrew rules barring young laborers from dangerous work—a decision with grave consequences for several families.

Nov 12, 2013 / Feature / Mariya Strauss

Paid Sick Days Have Momentum—but the Opposition Might Have More

Paid Sick Days Have Momentum—but the Opposition Might Have More Paid Sick Days Have Momentum—but the Opposition Might Have More

Ten bills blocking paid sick days have been passed, seven this year alone. But that doesn’t have progressives down.

Nov 7, 2013 / Bryce Covert

Labor Rights for All: The Fight Against Modern-Day Slavery

Labor Rights for All: The Fight Against Modern-Day Slavery Labor Rights for All: The Fight Against Modern-Day Slavery

The domestic workers’ rights movement offers powerful lessons for the broader fight against forced labor, trafficking and servitude.

Nov 7, 2013 / Nisha Varia and Foreign Policy In Focus

How States Taken Over by the GOP in 2010 Have Been Quietly Screwing Over the American Worker

How States Taken Over by the GOP in 2010 Have Been Quietly Screwing Over the American Worker How States Taken Over by the GOP in 2010 Have Been Quietly Screwing Over the American Worker

A broad campaign to strip employees of their rights is being fueled by corporate cash and conservative state lawmakers. 

Oct 31, 2013 / Zoë Carpenter
