I Lived Through the US Military’s Culture of Surveillance I Lived Through the US Military’s Culture of Surveillance
As a military spouse, I’ve been threatened, silenced, monitored, and shamed by the very people my husband fought alongside.
Oct 13, 2021 / Andrea Mazzarino

The Long Shadow of Anita Hill’s Testimony The Long Shadow of Anita Hill’s Testimony
Three decades after Anita Hill brought sexual harassment allegations against Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, Black women are still waiting for justice.
Oct 11, 2021 / Michele Goodwin

Pandemic Solidarity Transformed Our Society. Now We Need It Again. Pandemic Solidarity Transformed Our Society. Now We Need It Again.
In attempt to stem the tide of death, cities, states, and the federal government passed unprecedented reforms. Fighting to keep them is an important way to counter pandemic depress...
Oct 11, 2021 / Abdullah Shihipar

The Buffalo Hospital Strike Is the Latest in a New Wave of Labor Unrest The Buffalo Hospital Strike Is the Latest in a New Wave of Labor Unrest
A stressed health care system pushed to the breaking point by the Covid-19 pandemic has sparked renewed action by labor unions across the country.
Oct 7, 2021 / Column / C.M. Lewis

Do We Need to Work? Do We Need to Work?
In Work: A Deep History, from the Stone Age to the Age of Robots, anthropologist James Suzman asks whether we might learn to live like our ancestors did—that is, to value free time...
Oct 4, 2021 / Books & the Arts / Aaron Benanav

California Wins Labor Reforms That Republicans Nearly Made Impossible California Wins Labor Reforms That Republicans Nearly Made Impossible
In the past couple weeks, Governor Gavin Newsom has signed important worker protection bills that would never have gotten through if he’d lost the recall election.
Oct 1, 2021 / Sasha Abramsky

OSHA Can Do Much More to Prevent Covid Transmission at Work OSHA Can Do Much More to Prevent Covid Transmission at Work
Biden’s vaccine mandate for employees is good—but making employers responsible for covid safety measures would be even better.
Sep 22, 2021 / Abdullah Shihipar

Fighting Inequality After Occupy Wall Street Fighting Inequality After Occupy Wall Street
Policies to address America’s enormous wealth disparities are now on the political map in a way they weren’t before Occupy Wall Street.
Sep 20, 2021 / Feature / Bryce Covert

Sweatshops Won’t Help the World’s Poor, but Unions Could Sweatshops Won’t Help the World’s Poor, but Unions Could
Influential liberals said low-paid manufacturing jobs would help the Global South. They were wrong then—and they’re especially wrong now.
Sep 15, 2021 / James North

When Sex Workers Speak, Who Listens? When Sex Workers Speak, Who Listens?
The initial decision by OnlyFans to ban porn illustrates how ostensibly legal online sex work is, in reality, criminalized.
Sep 6, 2021 / Emily Coombes