How Capitalism Invented the Care Economy How Capitalism Invented the Care Economy
This is what’s missing from the new conversation about care work.
Jul 16, 2021 / Premilla Nadasen

Letters From the July 26/August 2, 2021, Issue Letters From the July 26/August 2, 2021, Issue
Holiday spirit… The other greenhouse gases… A last resort… A plague on both houses (web only)…
Jul 13, 2021 / Our Readers and Gilbert Achcar

How Labor Can Win at the Bargaining Table How Labor Can Win at the Bargaining Table
A new report from Berkeley is a rare piece of good news for American labor—and a bracing reminder of what real organizing looks like.
Jul 8, 2021 / Sam Gindin

The Real Target in the Supreme Court’s ‘Cedar Point’ Decision The Real Target in the Supreme Court’s ‘Cedar Point’ Decision
The court and the press talked about “property rights.” But the real impact will be on organizing, and workers’ rights.
Jul 2, 2021 / David Bacon

There’s a Way to Get More People Vaccinated—and It Doesn’t Involve the Lottery There’s a Way to Get More People Vaccinated—and It Doesn’t Involve the Lottery
As the Delta variant spreads, it’s essential to make it easier for essential workers to get vaccinated—and that begins by giving paid sick leave for the shot.
Jul 1, 2021 / Terri Gerstein and Lorelei Salas

The Real Welfare Cheats Are War Profiteers The Real Welfare Cheats Are War Profiteers
We’re squabbling over Social Security, while the government lavishes infinitely more money on the arms industry.
Jun 16, 2021 / Rebecca Gordon

Alabama’s Coal Miners Are Striking for Their Lives Alabama’s Coal Miners Are Striking for Their Lives
Over a thousand miners at Warrior Met Coal have been on strike now for over two months, and the conflict is only heating up.
Jun 11, 2021 / Kim Kelly

Hospital Bosses Recruit Replacements for Striking Nurses Hospital Bosses Recruit Replacements for Striking Nurses
Tenet, the for-profit company that owns St. Vincent’s, chose to “improve their cash position” rather than meet the needs of nurses who worked through the pandemic.
Jun 10, 2021 / Dana Simon

There Is No Crisis of Laziness There Is No Crisis of Laziness
Republicans seem determined to make workers so financially desperate that they’ll labor for whatever pay employers deign to offer.
Jun 10, 2021 / Bryce Covert