Working Conditions

McDonald's protest

Stealing From Workers Is a Crime. Why Don’t More Prosecutors See It That Way? Stealing From Workers Is a Crime. Why Don’t More Prosecutors See It That Way?

It’s time for prosecutors to shift their focus to protecting the millions of workers who are victimized by their bosses each year.

May 24, 2018 / Terri Gerstein

Roger Goodell

Roger Goodell Tries to Pass Buck on Protests Staged During Anthem Roger Goodell Tries to Pass Buck on Protests Staged During Anthem

Giving team owners power to determine anthem policy would be a violation of the collective-bargaining agreement, and the union is putting its foot down. 

May 9, 2018 / Dave Zirin

Washington cheerleaders

NFL Washington Cheerleaders Go Public With Horrific Treatment NFL Washington Cheerleaders Go Public With Horrific Treatment

The New York Times tells a story of cheerleaders feeling “pimped out” to team sponsors. 

May 4, 2018 / Dave Zirin

Postal Service Protest

In Rural America, the Postal Service Is Already Collapsing In Rural America, the Postal Service Is Already Collapsing

Cutbacks have created a labor shortage at smaller stations, and mail carriers are struggling to do their jobs.

May 3, 2018 / Jake Bittle

May Day

Remembering Nate Smith, Pittsburgh’s Prizefighting Labor Activist Remembering Nate Smith, Pittsburgh’s Prizefighting Labor Activist

For May Day, we look back at the work of Nate Smith, whose organizing broke down racial barriers in Pittsburgh’s trade unions.

May 1, 2018 / StudentNation / Jordana Rosenfeld

No Muslim Ban

As the Muslim Ban Goes Before SCOTUS, Share the Stories of Its Victims As the Muslim Ban Goes Before SCOTUS, Share the Stories of Its Victims

You can also support farmworkers and domestic workers fighting sexual harassment in their workplaces and get your community registered to vote.

Apr 24, 2018 / NationAction

Trump tariff announcement

American Hubris, or, How Globalization Brought Us Donald Trump American Hubris, or, How Globalization Brought Us Donald Trump

It was “free trade” mania, pushed by both major political parties, that destroyed working-class prosperity and laid the groundwork for his triumph.

Apr 19, 2018 / William Greider

Speaker Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan’s Cruel Vision—and the Red-State Rebellion Against It Paul Ryan’s Cruel Vision—and the Red-State Rebellion Against It

His plutocratic policies have provoked a growing backlash, in the form of teacher strikes and demonstrations from West Virginia and Kentucky to Oklahoma and Arizona.

Apr 18, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Legal System Needs to Catch Up With the #MeToo Movement

The Legal System Needs to Catch Up With the #MeToo Movement The Legal System Needs to Catch Up With the #MeToo Movement

It is nearly impossible to successfully sue for sexual harassment in the workplace—here’s what we can do to change that.

Apr 18, 2018 / Rafia Zakaria

Teachers Are Leading the Working-Class Insurgency

Teachers Are Leading the Working-Class Insurgency Teachers Are Leading the Working-Class Insurgency

And it’s not the first time.

Apr 17, 2018 / Steve Fraser
