World Leaders


In Greece, the Refugee Crisis Worsens While the World’s Attention Turns Elsewhere In Greece, the Refugee Crisis Worsens While the World’s Attention Turns Elsewhere

The EU’s resettlement plan has failed—tens of thousands are now stranded in dangerous, unsanitary camps.

Sep 23, 2016 / Anna Lekas Miller

Airstrikes in Syria

Syrian Writers, Artists, and Journalists Speak Out Against US and Russian Policy Syrian Writers, Artists, and Journalists Speak Out Against US and Russian Policy

They say the two powers have been working to co-opt the Syrian liberation struggle under the rubric of the “war against terror.”

Sep 21, 2016 / Syrian Writers, Artists, and Journalists Against US and Russian Policies in Syria

Who Is Making American Foreign Policy—the President or the War Party?

Who Is Making American Foreign Policy—the President or the War Party? Who Is Making American Foreign Policy—the President or the War Party?

The US military attack on the Syrian army gravely endangers Obama’s proposed détente with Putin in Syria and elsewhere.

Sep 21, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

Washington Knew Pinochet Ordered an Act of Terrorism on US Soil—but Did Nothing About It

Washington Knew Pinochet Ordered an Act of Terrorism on US Soil—but Did Nothing About It Washington Knew Pinochet Ordered an Act of Terrorism on US Soil—but Did Nothing About It

Obama now has an opportunity to commemorate his victims by releasing the still-secret documents that hold the Chilean dictator accountable.

Sep 21, 2016 / Feature / Peter Kornbluh

The Syrian Truce and Obama’s Exit Strategy

The Syrian Truce and Obama’s Exit Strategy The Syrian Truce and Obama’s Exit Strategy

Without an agreement for Assad to step down and allow a transition toward a pluralist government, no cease-fire stands a chance.

Sep 19, 2016 / Gilbert Achcar

The disappeared of Colombia

Violence Continues in Colombia as the Peace Accords Advance Violence Continues in Colombia as the Peace Accords Advance

The country’s long civil war may soon end—but not without triggering a violent backlash from the narco-elite and the paramilitary groups they command. 

Sep 15, 2016 / Greg Grandin

Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and US Secretary of State John Kerry

Will US Hawks Again Thwart Yet Another Chance to Diminish the New Cold War in Syria and Ukraine? Will US Hawks Again Thwart Yet Another Chance to Diminish the New Cold War in Syria and Ukraine?

Pro-détente diplomacy is being fiercely opposed by detractors from Washington to Kiev.

Sep 14, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

What’s the Number 1 Threat to Security? No One Is Asking Trump or Clinton

What’s the Number 1 Threat to Security? No One Is Asking Trump or Clinton What’s the Number 1 Threat to Security? No One Is Asking Trump or Clinton

Missing from an election season dominated by spectacle and confrontation is the serious debate we desperately need to have about nuclear weapons.

Sep 13, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Kerry Lavrov Syrian Diplomacy

Kerry and Lavrov’s Syrian Diplomacy Shows (Once Again) the Value of Détente Kerry and Lavrov’s Syrian Diplomacy Shows (Once Again) the Value of Détente

Serious observers understand that working with Russia to ease Syria’s civil war is the only way to stop the crisis.

Sep 12, 2016 / James Carden

Washington Post building

Cyber Hacks: The Washington Post’s Baseless Crusade Against Russia Cyber Hacks: The Washington Post’s Baseless Crusade Against Russia

If you’re going to point the finger of blame at one country in particular you should have more, you know, proof. 

Sep 7, 2016 / James Carden
