World Leaders

Israel Settlement

As Israel Drifts Further to the Right, ‘Haaretz’ Remains a Beacon for the Left As Israel Drifts Further to the Right, ‘Haaretz’ Remains a Beacon for the Left

The daily paper is thriving, in part by shining a light in places many would prefer not to see.

Jul 14, 2016 / Column / Eric Alterman

US NATO Ukraine

Can Europe Stop Washington’s Military Provocations on Russia’s Borders? Can Europe Stop Washington’s Military Provocations on Russia’s Borders?

The extremism at NATO’s Warsaw summit revealed doves in opposition to the new Cold War hawks, but not in the United States.

Jul 13, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

What Kind of a Conservative Is Theresa May?

What Kind of a Conservative Is Theresa May? What Kind of a Conservative Is Theresa May?

The new Tory prime minister talks tough on immigration, while mouthing Labour’s lines on the downtrodden.

Jul 13, 2016 / Maria Margaronis

Sanders in California

The Most Progressive Democratic Platform Ever The Most Progressive Democratic Platform Ever

The “political revolution” Sanders helped to build hasn’t been won yet, but there has been real progress.

Jul 12, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Poroshenko NATO

‘Aggression’ May Be Threatening Europe—but NATO Is Looking for It in the Wrong Place ‘Aggression’ May Be Threatening Europe—but NATO Is Looking for It in the Wrong Place

As world leaders in Warsaw focus on Russia’s “aggressive actions,” Europe’s real problems go unnoticed.

Jul 11, 2016 / James Carden

John Chilcot Iraq Inquiry

The UK Issues a Devastating Critique of Tony Blair’s Support for the Iraq War The UK Issues a Devastating Critique of Tony Blair’s Support for the Iraq War

The findings are damning enough to ensure that Tony Blair will remain a political pariah for the rest of his life.

Jul 7, 2016 / D.D. Guttenplan

The Imperative of a US-Russian Alliance vs. International Terrorism

The Imperative of a US-Russian Alliance vs. International Terrorism The Imperative of a US-Russian Alliance vs. International Terrorism

Terrorist organizations are the number one existential threat, not “Putin’s Russia,” and Russia is the best ally America could have in fighting them.

Jul 6, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

The Istanbul Terror Attack May Force a Reckoning in Turkey’s Foreign Policy The Istanbul Terror Attack May Force a Reckoning in Turkey’s Foreign Policy

Ankara has already patched up relations with Israel and Russia—and Washington could be next.

Jul 6, 2016 / Juan Cole

General David Petraeus retirement

The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover—and Retired With a $220,000 Pension The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover—and Retired With a $220,000 Pension

Why hasn’t David Petraeus faced the same career-ending consequences as other leakers?

Jul 5, 2016 / Nick Turse

What Will New Leadership Mean for the UN?

What Will New Leadership Mean for the UN? What Will New Leadership Mean for the UN?

The new UN secretary general and General Assembly president are being chosen in a process of unprecedented openness.

Jun 30, 2016 / Barbara Crossette
