World Leaders

September 27, 1996: The Taliban Conquers Kabul

September 27, 1996: The Taliban Conquers Kabul September 27, 1996: The Taliban Conquers Kabul

“American responsibility for recent events in Afghanistan is greater than Administration officials pretend.”

Sep 27, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Otto Pérez Molina attends a corruption hearing, Sept. 8, 2015.

The Rise and Fall of Guatemala’s Most Feared General The Rise and Fall of Guatemala’s Most Feared General

Otto Pérez Molina started his rise to power during a US-backed dirty war. The uprising against impunity that brought him down has been waiting in the wings ever since.

Sep 24, 2015 / Jesse Franzblau

Kfredrian, Idlib

Long Before the Refugee Crisis, the World’s Powers Had Failed the People of Syria Long Before the Refugee Crisis, the World’s Powers Had Failed the People of Syria

It’s time for the US and Russia to stop treating Syria like a chess game.

Sep 24, 2015 / Rula Jebreal

The Promise of Jeremy Corbyn’s Victory

The Promise of Jeremy Corbyn’s Victory The Promise of Jeremy Corbyn’s Victory

He’s attracted more than 60,000 new members to the Labour Party, idealists inspired by a candidate offering more than cosmetic change.

Sep 24, 2015 / D.D. Guttenplan

Pope Francis Environment

Can the Pope Get the US to Take Climate Change Seriously? Can the Pope Get the US to Take Climate Change Seriously?

Pope Francis says the “time is now” for major action on economic, social, and climate justice.

Sep 23, 2015 / John Nichols

Responding to ISIS and the Syrian Refugee Crisis Is Dividing Policymakers Both in Washington and Moscow

Responding to ISIS and the Syrian Refugee Crisis Is Dividing Policymakers Both in Washington and Moscow Responding to ISIS and the Syrian Refugee Crisis Is Dividing Policymakers Both in Washington and Moscow

Will the result be a spreading or curtailing of the new US-Russian Cold War?

Sep 23, 2015 / Stephen F. Cohen

What the Class Politics of World War II Mean for Tensions in Asia Today

What the Class Politics of World War II Mean for Tensions in Asia Today What the Class Politics of World War II Mean for Tensions in Asia Today

In the Philippines, the grandson of a despised collaborator has endorsed the remilitarization of his country's former occupiers—by the grandson of a war criminal, no less.

Sep 22, 2015 / Walden Bello

As the 2016 Campaigns Heat Up, the Moment Still Belongs to the People

As the 2016 Campaigns Heat Up, the Moment Still Belongs to the People As the 2016 Campaigns Heat Up, the Moment Still Belongs to the People

What once seemed unexpected is no longer unthinkable.

Sep 22, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

September 22, 1980: Iraq Invades Iran, Beginning the 20th Century’s Longest Conventional War

September 22, 1980: Iraq Invades Iran, Beginning the 20th Century’s Longest Conventional War September 22, 1980: Iraq Invades Iran, Beginning the 20th Century’s Longest Conventional War

“Washington’s response to the situation has been naïvely serene.”

Sep 22, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Syriza Couldn’t End Austerity in Greece—Here’s Why Voters Reelected Them Anyway

Syriza Couldn’t End Austerity in Greece—Here’s Why Voters Reelected Them Anyway Syriza Couldn’t End Austerity in Greece—Here’s Why Voters Reelected Them Anyway

Like a tragic hero, Alexis Tsipras acted out the country’s impasse—and the impasse of the left—dramatically, in real time, with real people’s lives.

Sep 21, 2015 / Maria Margaronis
