World Leaders

Stop the Pointless Demonization of Putin Stop the Pointless Demonization of Putin

The vilifying charges levelled at Russia's president by the American media could undermine rational U.S. policy-making.

May 7, 2012 / Stephen F. Cohen

Why Are We So Afraid of China? Why Are We So Afraid of China?

What does the Chen Guangcheng story say about the United States?

May 7, 2012 / Chris Hayes

Voting in the Dark: Greece Goes to the Polls Voting in the Dark: Greece Goes to the Polls

Almost all the candidates in the Greek election—on the same day as the French—see support for austerity as political suicide.

May 4, 2012 / Maria Margaronis

The End of Sarkozy?

The End of Sarkozy? The End of Sarkozy?

Socialist François Hollande defeated Sarko in the first-round vote. But the real victor may be National Front leader Marine Le Pen, now primed to play kingmaker.

Apr 25, 2012 / Agnès Catherine Poirier

Stalemate in Syria Stalemate in Syria

As the Syrian government clings to repressive tactics it knows best, the conflict becomes ever more intractable.

Apr 23, 2012 / Elizabeth Whitman

Jeffrey Sachs: Population Controller? (VIDEO) Jeffrey Sachs: Population Controller? (VIDEO)

Jeff Sachs, who promises he’d lead the World Bank to a new era, proposes more of the same—plus population control. That’s taking us to a new era of Malthus.

Mar 16, 2012 / Laura Flanders

America’s Failed (Bi-Partisan) Russia Policy America’s Failed (Bi-Partisan) Russia Policy

Twenty years after the end of the Soviet Union, the relationship features more elements of cold-war conflict than of stable cooperation.

Mar 8, 2012 / Stephen F. Cohen

UN Human Rights Council Reports on Abuses in Syria UN Human Rights Council Reports on Abuses in Syria

A new report has found the Assad regime responsible for crimes against humanity. Will it do anything to stop the bloodshed?

Feb 28, 2012 / Barbara Crossette

Will Germany’s New President Be a Thorn in Merkel’s Side? Will Germany’s New President Be a Thorn in Merkel’s Side?

Joachim Gauck could offer too striking a contrast to Chancellor Angela Merkel’s own devotion to a politics of small compromises. 

Feb 22, 2012 / Norman Birnbaum

Jeremy Scahill: How US Counterterrorism Efforts Ignited an Islamist Uprising in Yemen Jeremy Scahill: How US Counterterrorism Efforts Ignited an Islamist Uprising in Yemen

Have US counterterrorism operations in Yemen actually strengthened the threats they were designed to eliminate?

Feb 16, 2012 / Press Room
