World Leaders

Sticking the Public With the Bill for the Bankers’ Crisis Sticking the Public With the Bill for the Bankers’ Crisis

Faced with the effects of a crisis created by the world's wealthiest, the heads of state gathered at the G20 decided to stick the poorest people in their countries with the bill.

Jun 28, 2010 / Naomi Klein

Gaza: End of the Siege? Gaza: End of the Siege?

Israel's clumsy attack on a Turkish aid flotilla for Gaza has now backfired completely. Will Obama push Netanyahu harder? They meet July 6.

Jun 21, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

Pedophilia is Fine, but Hold the Abortion Pedophilia is Fine, but Hold the Abortion

A nun in Phoenix has been ex-communicated after approving a life-saving abortion. What?

May 21, 2010 / Laura Flanders

Shakeup in the UK

Shakeup in the UK Shakeup in the UK

Nick Clegg has taken the Liberal Democrats into government with the Tories, serving as deputy prime minister to David Cameron, a politician he has called "the con man of Bri...

May 13, 2010 / Feature / Maria Margaronis and D.D. Guttenplan

Winners and Losers in the UK Election Winners and Losers in the UK Election

For all his faults, I was struck by outgoing British Prime Minster Gordon Brown's resignation speech. It wasn't the pomp of the job he loved, he said, it was the chance to make his...

May 13, 2010 / Laura Flanders

Burying Juan Antonio Samaranch Burying Juan Antonio Samaranch

The Death of Juan Antonio Samaranch should in no way sugarcoat the destructive role he played in the world of International Sport

Apr 22, 2010 / Dave Zirin

Benazir Bhutto’s Death Still Unresolved Benazir Bhutto’s Death Still Unresolved

An eight-month investigation into the assassination of Benazir Bhutto has brought the world no closer to knowing what forces were to blame for her death.

Apr 19, 2010 / Barbara Crossette

Moscow Seeks Security After Suicide Bombings Moscow Seeks Security After Suicide Bombings

Nation Editor Katrina vanden Heuvel discusses the political aftermath of the Moscow suicide bombings.

Apr 16, 2010 / GRITtv

Haiti’s Excluded Haiti’s Excluded

How the earthquake aid regime sidelines those it intends to help.

Mar 11, 2010 / Feature / Reed Lindsay

How to Help Haiti How to Help Haiti

Watching the flow of aid into Haiti, one can't ignore the ongoing alliance of the Haitian elite and foreign investors to keep Haiti good for their interests. What do average Haitia...

Mar 5, 2010 / Jemima Pierre, Tanya Golash-Boza, and Kevin Alexander Gray
