World Leaders

Single Standards Single Standards

Nothing is more to be despised, in a time of crisis, than the affectation of "evenhandedness." But there are two very nasty delusions and euphemisms gaining ground at pre...

Apr 25, 2002 / Column / Christopher Hitchens

Le Pen: The Center Folds Le Pen: The Center Folds

Earthquake. Cataclysm. Electroshock. The 9/11 of French politics. These were the recurring terms that established political leaders of both left and right used to characterize ...

Apr 25, 2002 / Doug Ireland

Sharon Wears Oppressor’s Cloak Sharon Wears Oppressor’s Cloak

What is the fundamental difference between Slobodan Milosevic and Ariel Sharon? The former is on trial for war crimes, while the latter still leads an occupying army.

Apr 16, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer

An Open Letter to General Ariel Sharon An Open Letter to General Ariel Sharon


Apr 10, 2002 / Breyten Breytenbach

US Jews Cannot Acquiesce to Sharon’s Monstrous Behavior US Jews Cannot Acquiesce to Sharon’s Monstrous Behavior

What does it mean to be Jewish?

Apr 9, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer

The Middle East Troubles: A Summary The Middle East Troubles: A Summary

They give each other tit for tat. The next tat may get Arafat.

Apr 4, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Milosevic at the Bar Milosevic at the Bar

The trial in The Hague of the first state president indicted for genocide was to be the ultimate showdown. In the culmination of a fifty-year struggle by the human rights communit...

Mar 14, 2002 / Anthony Borden

Bush’s China Opening Bush’s China Opening

In the wake of the terrorist attacks on September 11, China has undergone a dramatic makeover: from the most outspoken adversary of the United States to a highly appreciated ally...

Feb 14, 2002 / Peter Kwong and Dusanka Miscevic

Egyptian Justice, US-Style Egyptian Justice, US-Style

President Hosni Mubarak is quite happy that the United States has decided to try civilian terrorist suspects in military courts. For ten years, Egypt has been taking fire from the ...

Jan 10, 2002 / Steve Negus

Plumping for Pinochet Plumping for Pinochet

Why in 1973 did Chile's democracy, long considered the crown jewel of Latin America, turn into Augusto Pinochet's murderous regime? Why did the United States, which helped Pinoch...

Jan 3, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Greg Grandin
