World Leaders

William vanden Heuvel

In Our Tumultuous Times, History Offers Hope In Our Tumultuous Times, History Offers Hope

A new memoir calls us to action.

May 28, 2019 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Protesters against US intervention in Venezuela

Why Are Leading Democrats Supporting Trump on Venezuela? Why Are Leading Democrats Supporting Trump on Venezuela?

They assure us they’re not for war. But they are supporting strangulation through sanctions, which has led to thousands of deaths.

May 23, 2019 / Jeff Faux

Narendra Modi

A Modi Victory Puts India’s 200 Million Muslims in Danger A Modi Victory Puts India’s 200 Million Muslims in Danger

The Hindu nationalist party ran a hate-filled campaign and now seems poised to return to power with a terrifying mandate.

May 21, 2019 / Ruchira Gupta

Hurricane Maria, Virgin Islands

Trump Is Embracing Climate Destruction Trump Is Embracing Climate Destruction

Can we act in time to avoid the worst?

May 21, 2019 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Student Climate Strike

Europe’s Striking Climate Kids Show How to Defeat the Far Right Europe’s Striking Climate Kids Show How to Defeat the Far Right

Fighting climate change now polls as a top priority among European voters—while most far-right leaders are climate denialists.

May 20, 2019 / Paul Hockenos

John Bolton and a map

Trump May Not Want War With Iran—but the Coalition of the Killing May Give Him One Trump May Not Want War With Iran—but the Coalition of the Killing May Give Him One

That’s why it’s critical that the public, Congress, and especially Dems seeking to replace Trump in 2020 speak out against it now.

May 17, 2019 / Bob Dreyfuss

Air Strikes

Both Saudi Arabia and the United States Are Probably Guilty of War Crimes in Yemen Both Saudi Arabia and the United States Are Probably Guilty of War Crimes in Yemen

The Saudi coalition deliberately targets civilians with US weapons—and US officials have known this for years.

May 17, 2019 / Mohamad Bazzi

Trump Putin Vietnam

Russiagate Zealotry Continues to Endanger American National Security Russiagate Zealotry Continues to Endanger American National Security

If Venezuela becomes a Cuban Missile–like Crisis, will Trump be free to resolve it peacefully?

May 8, 2019 / Stephen F. Cohen

Aircraft Carrier

Trump and Bolton Are Putting War With Iran on a Hair Trigger Trump and Bolton Are Putting War With Iran on a Hair Trigger

The announcement that the Pentagon is sending a strike force to the Middle East caps a yearlong campaign of threats and intimidation.

May 7, 2019 / Bob Dreyfuss

Trump Air Force One

Trump Promised Restraint but Has Delivered More Calamitous Intervention Trump Promised Restraint but Has Delivered More Calamitous Intervention

He is sowing chaos and intervening from Yemen to Iran to Venezuela and beyond.

May 7, 2019 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
