
Democracy There, Democracy Here: Haiti Democracy There, Democracy Here: Haiti

As democracy proceeds in Egypt, the US works to contain it in Haiti.

Feb 4, 2011 / Greg Grandin

Why Egypt’s ‘Systematic’ Attack on Press Freedom Should Convince Obama He Can’t Work With the Regime Why Egypt’s ‘Systematic’ Attack on Press Freedom Should Convince Obama He Can’t Work With the Regime

The United States has for more than two centuries held that freedom of the press is an essential freedom. Now that the Egyptian regime has launched a systematic attack on journalis...

Feb 4, 2011 / John Nichols

Follow the Latest Tweets From the Egyptian Revolution Follow the Latest Tweets From the Egyptian Revolution

new TWTR.Widget({ version: 2, type: 'list', rpp: 30, interval: 6000, title: 'Journalists Tweet from Egypt', subject: 'Egypt Tweets', width: 'auto', height: 600, theme: { shell: { background: '#9e0e09', color: '#ffffff' }, tweets: { background: '#ffffff', color: '#444444', links: '#080b59' } }, features: { scrollbar: true, loop: false, live: true, hashtags: true, timestamp: true, avatars: true, behavior: 'all' } }).render().setList('thenation', 'egypt-tweets-5').start();

Feb 3, 2011 / The Nation

How to Build a Progressive Tea Party

How to Build a Progressive Tea Party How to Build a Progressive Tea Party

British liberals' protests have been ignored for years. So why did a campaign against the country's biggest tax dodgers suddenly gain traction?

Feb 3, 2011 / Feature / Johann Hari

Cairo Protests Reveal the ‘True Face of Mubarak’ Cairo Protests Reveal the ‘True Face of Mubarak’

From Cairo, Democracy Now!'s Sharif Kouddous reports on the increasing violence surrounding the protests against President Hosni Mubarak.

Feb 3, 2011 / Press Room

The Most Feminist Place in the World

The Most Feminist Place in the World The Most Feminist Place in the World

After a testosterone-fueled boom and bust, the women of Iceland took charge.

Feb 3, 2011 / Feature / Janet Elise Johnson

Cairo Protests Reveal the ‘True Face of Mubarak’ Cairo Protests Reveal the ‘True Face of Mubarak’

From Cairo, Democracy Now!'s Sharif Kouddous reports on the increasing violence surrounding the protests against President Hosni Mubarak.

Feb 3, 2011 / Democracy Now!

The Revolutionary Moment

The Revolutionary Moment The Revolutionary Moment

If the world has a heart, it beats now for Egypt.

Feb 3, 2011 / Jonathan Schell

Winter of Discontent

Winter of Discontent Winter of Discontent

Egypt's future looks uncertain. What is certain is if Obama sides with a repressive regime, feared extremism will become reality.

Feb 3, 2011 / Laila Lalami

America’s ‘Shah’ in Egypt

America’s ‘Shah’ in Egypt America’s ‘Shah’ in Egypt

How did Hosni Mubarak manage to stay in power for three decades?

Feb 3, 2011 / Kai Bird
