Our Iraq Debacle Our Iraq Debacle
America needs to remember the disastrous consequences of the war in Iraq. But Obama wants to put it all behind us.
Sep 2, 2010 / The Editors
GOP Angry Obama Didn’t Praise Bush in Speech GOP Angry Obama Didn’t Praise Bush in Speech
Jeremy Scahill asks why former President George Bush deserves positive recognition for his contributions to the Iraq War.
Sep 2, 2010 / Press Room
Jeremy Schaill: GOP Is Angry That Obama Didn’t Praise Bush in Speech on Iraq Jeremy Schaill: GOP Is Angry That Obama Didn’t Praise Bush in Speech on Iraq
Jeremy Scahill asks why former President George Bush deserves positive recognition for his contributions to the Iraq War.
Sep 2, 2010 / Countdown
Unhappy Anniversary Unhappy Anniversary
Pet peeves about journalism, the New York Times's new public editor and some responses to "All Apologies."
Sep 2, 2010 / Eric Alterman

Unequal Sacrifice Unequal Sacrifice
Why are poorer and less-educated citizens more likely to die in America's wars?
Sep 2, 2010 / Books & the Arts / Andrew J. Bacevich
US Profile on Human Rights Grows at the United Nations US Profile on Human Rights Grows at the United Nations
The Obama administration, emerging as a strong voice on international human rights issues within the UN, has submitted its first appraisal of the US's own human rights record.
Sep 1, 2010 / Barbara Crossette
With China on the Rise, Progressives Debate the New World Order With China on the Rise, Progressives Debate the New World Order
For his article China in the Driver's Seat, Robert Dreyfuss talked to dozens of progressive academics, journalists and policy-makers about the rise of the new economic superpower....
Sep 1, 2010 / The Nation
Two Wars Don’t Make a Right Two Wars Don’t Make a Right
President Obama's attempt to put the best face on the ignominious US occupation of Iraq will not hide what he and the rest of the world well know.
Sep 1, 2010 / Robert Scheer

Unstable Iraq May Draw Obama Back to War Unstable Iraq May Draw Obama Back to War
President Obama has pledged to get the rest of US forces out of Iraq in 2011. But Iraq is still unstable and politically explosive, and it is increasingly in Iran's orbit. All that...
Sep 1, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

Obama’s Awkward Speech: Not Quite Peace and Nowhere Near Prosperity Obama’s Awkward Speech: Not Quite Peace and Nowhere Near Prosperity
The president says the combat mission in Iraq is ended. But 50,000 troops remain. And most people are far less excited about changes in Iraq than they are worried by an expanding c...
Sep 1, 2010 / John Nichols