
Leslie Gelb Says Obama Kneels to Netanyahu, Should Fire His Middle East Team Leslie Gelb Says Obama Kneels to Netanyahu, Should Fire His Middle East Team

The CFR's president emeritus expresses disgust with Obama's Middle East policy.

Jul 9, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

Helping in Kyrgyzstan Helping in Kyrgyzstan

Aid organizations are working furiously to respond to the desperate need for tents, food and other critical supplies in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Here's how you can help.

Jul 9, 2010 / Aaron Ross

Berlusconi’s Cronies

Berlusconi’s Cronies Berlusconi’s Cronies

Corruption scandals, a threatened gag order on journalists and investigators, and persistent allegations of Mafia ties—not to mention the long recession—have weakened I...

Jul 9, 2010 / Frederika Randall

Hawks, UAE Ambassador Want War with Iran Hawks, UAE Ambassador Want War with Iran

They're at it again. It's time for war with Iran, the neocons say.

Jul 9, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

Workers Organize at Firestone, Liberia’s ‘State Within a State’

Workers Organize at Firestone, Liberia’s ‘State Within a State’ Workers Organize at Firestone, Liberia’s ‘State Within a State’

Workers tapping rubber at the Firestone plantation in Liberia are struggling for better wages and working conditions—and pushing their employer to stop polluting the land and...

Jul 8, 2010 / Nicholas Jahr

Who Fights and Why? Who Fights and Why?

Winter Bone—if you haven't seen this extraordinary, woman-directed film about a family in trouble in the Ozarks of Missouri, I recommend it. Grim it is. Irrelevant it is not.

Jul 8, 2010 / Laura Flanders

Former Top CIA Spy: How US Intelligence Became Big Business Former Top CIA Spy: How US Intelligence Became Big Business

Intelligence veteran Robert Grenier, who worked covertly in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq, recently offered a rare glimpse into the world of  privatized intelligence, Blackwa...

Jul 7, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill

Obama: ‘I Have Met Israel and It Is “Us”‘ Obama: ‘I Have Met Israel and It Is “Us”‘

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu sets up an Illegal settlement on the White House lawn.

Jul 7, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

After 65 Years, A UN Agency for Women After 65 Years, A UN Agency for Women

"Gender mainstreaming" at the United Nations failed. Will an agency solely dedicated to promoting women's rights in development do better?

Jul 7, 2010 / Barbara Crossette

Christian Parenti: BP and the Changing Energy Economy Christian Parenti: BP and the Changing Energy Economy

If the United States government is the largest energy consumer in the world, asks Nation contributing editor Christian Parenti, why doesn't it use its massive buying power to...

Jul 6, 2010 / The Nation on Grit TV
