
A Deal in Afghanistan A Deal in Afghanistan

If July 2011 means anything at all, it means that President Obama has to pursue a political settlement single-mindedly. It won't be pretty, but the end result will be a power-shari...

Jun 25, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

Americans are Hooked on War Americans are Hooked on War

War has become the norm and "our world has become so oblivious to it," says Tom Engelhardt. “There’s a mindset that goes with American war making, and it&rsqu...

Jun 25, 2010 / Tom Engelhardt

Government Hasn’t Learned From Blackwater Mistakes Government Hasn’t Learned From Blackwater Mistakes

The private defense operation formerly known as Blackwater—now called Xe—has cleaned up its act about as much as BP has cleaned up the Gulf, says Jeremy Scahill.

Jun 25, 2010 / Countdown

McChrystal, Afghanistan Policy and… McChrystal, Afghanistan Policy and…

Here we are again, if a general and a president are at odds—it must be a manhood-measuring contest.

Jun 24, 2010 / Laura Flanders

Find a Political Solution in Afghanistan, Not a Military One Find a Political Solution in Afghanistan, Not a Military One

Nation Editor and Publisher Katrina vanden Heuvel tells Ed Schultz that McChrystal's departure gives Obama an opening for changing the trajectory of the American presence in Afgh...

Jun 24, 2010 / Press Room

Fighting Words Fighting Words

The Alterman-editors Gaza exchange, Alter-reviews and mail.

Jun 24, 2010 / Eric Alterman

US Delivering F-16s to Pakistan This Weekend US Delivering F-16s to Pakistan This Weekend

The US says the planes will help Pakistan to "strike terrorists within their borders." Lockheed Martin cashes in on the deal.

Jun 24, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill

Bloody Sunday’s Architects

Bloody Sunday’s Architects Bloody Sunday’s Architects

Lord Saville's Bloody Sunday report clarifies who shot whom. But the darker truth about the role of Britain's secret service is unexplained.

Jun 24, 2010 / Peter Pringle

A Hole in the World

A Hole in the World A Hole in the World

The BP disaster reveals the risks in imagining that we have complete command over nature.

Jun 24, 2010 / Feature / Naomi Klein

America Is Detached From the War America Is Detached From the War

Bush's plotless dream, smoking drones and other strange tales from the crypt.

Jun 24, 2010 / Tom Engelhardt
