
BP Gets a Bitter Lesson From Bhopal

BP Gets a Bitter Lesson From Bhopal BP Gets a Bitter Lesson From Bhopal

Let the Bhopal case settlement be a horrifying reminder: it is a constant temptation for profit-maximizing corporations to cut corners on safety.

Jun 8, 2010 / Mark Hertsgaard

Blackwater for Sale Blackwater for Sale

Blackwater has announced the infamous mercenary company is for sale. Will this include the CIA assassination business and the company's forward operating bases in Afghanistan?

Jun 8, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill

In Afghanistan, the Beginning of the End? In Afghanistan, the Beginning of the End?

With eighteen Democratic senators voting for Feingold’s call for withdrawal from Afghanistan, is a long and bloody end to the quagmire in sight?

Jun 7, 2010 / Tom Hayden

Wikileaks Whistleblower Says Docs Show ‘Almost Criminal Political Dealings’ Wikileaks Whistleblower Says Docs Show ‘Almost Criminal Political Dealings’

A US military intelligence analyst, who claimed to be the source for the Wikileaks "Collateral Murder" video, has reportedly been arrested. But the biggest story here may...

Jun 7, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill

Afghan Jirga: Talk to the Taliban Afghan Jirga: Talk to the Taliban

Karzai fires two American stooges in his government, and sets the stage for peace talks with the Taliban. Is the United States for peace talks, or against them?

Jun 7, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

Two Key House Members Call for Lifting Blockade of Gaza Two Key House Members Call for Lifting Blockade of Gaza

Barbara Lee, the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, and Keith Ellison say: "We urge you to take this tragedy as a catalyst to end the blockade on Gaza and to honor the d...

Jun 5, 2010 / John Nichols

Obama’s Expanding Covert Wars Obama’s Expanding Covert Wars

The Obama administration has dramatically expanded the use of special operations forces across the globe, from Iran to Bolivia to Yemen. They've been "empowered more under thi...

Jun 4, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill

The Breakdown: On ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Repeal, What Are We Waiting For?

The Breakdown: On ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Repeal, What Are We Waiting For? The Breakdown: On ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Repeal, What Are We Waiting For?

Last month, the House of Representatives took steps toward repealing the military's discriminatory DADT policy, pending the results of a Pentagon study on the issue. But what impac...

Jun 4, 2010 / Chris Hayes

Flotilla Video as Weapon Flotilla Video as Weapon

Could it be that what is actually missing from this debate might be even-handed coverage and logic?

Jun 4, 2010 / Laura Flanders

Gaza: It’s Not About Anti-Semitism Gaza: It’s Not About Anti-Semitism

Netanyahu and the neocons are playing the anti-Semitism card. That's ugly. But it's time for Hamas to change course, too, and to support the two-state solution.

Jun 4, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
