Washington’s Indonesian Bully Boys Washington’s Indonesian Bully Boys
The Obama administration may renew aid to the Indonesian army's notorious special forces--which have been implicated in a recent assassination campaign.
Mar 22, 2010 / Allan Nairn
Not Chalabi’s Iraq Not Chalabi’s Iraq
The neocons go to war against each other over Ahmed Chalabi's perfidy.
Mar 22, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
GOP Peaceniks? GOP Peaceniks?
Some Republicans suggest that a "silent majority" of their party opposes nation-building and counterinsurgency in Afghanistan. So where are they?
Mar 19, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
Hondurans’ Great Awakening Hondurans’ Great Awakening
Despite brutal repression, a bold resistance movement is defying the US-backed coup regime.
Mar 18, 2010 / Feature / Dana Frank
Rachel Corrie’s Memory, Israel’s Image Rachel Corrie’s Memory, Israel’s Image
Her sacrifice has helped to internationalize the struggle--as well as the battle over Israel's image.
Mar 16, 2010 / Neve Gordon
Pentagon vs. Israel? Pentagon vs. Israel?
Israeli hardliners are making enemies in places where they can hardly afford to do so.
Mar 16, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
US-Israel Showdown? US-Israel Showdown?
Does Obama have the guts for a full-frontal confrontation with the Israel lobby?
Mar 15, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss
Reclaiming a Legacy: The Death of Fatima Meer and the World Cup Reclaiming a Legacy: The Death of Fatima Meer and the World Cup
A giant of the South African freedom struggle, Fatima Meer, has passed away. The rush has already begun to claim her legacy.
Mar 14, 2010 / Dave Zirin
Lawyers, Terror & Torture Lawyers, Terror & Torture
Liz Cheney's witch hunt against lawyers who represented Guantánamo detainees is a new low.
Mar 11, 2010 / David Cole
Chile Shaking Chile Shaking
The most treacherous aftershock of Chile's devastating earthquake was the yawning divide between rich and poor.
Mar 11, 2010 / Marc Cooper