
Haiti’s Excluded Haiti’s Excluded

How the earthquake aid regime sidelines those it intends to help.

Mar 11, 2010 / Feature / Reed Lindsay

Congress Votes for Afghan War Congress Votes for Afghan War

Only 65 members of the House voted with Kucincich to force withdrawal from the Afghan war.  The outcome makes the anti-war forces appear weaker than they are, and appearances ...

Mar 11, 2010 / Tom Hayden

65 in House Back Afghanistan Withdrawal 65 in House Back Afghanistan Withdrawal

"We must reclaim our Constitutional responsibility and our responsibility to the American people," says Kucinich. But most of his colleagues say: "Nevermind."

Mar 11, 2010 / John Nichols

Chile’s Socialist Rebar Chile’s Socialist Rebar

It is Chile's democratic, socialist roots, not the free-marketers who prevailed after Pinochet's coup, that are to thank for the strict building codes that have protected citizens ...

Mar 10, 2010 / Naomi Klein

The South Africa World Cup: Invictus in Reverse The South Africa World Cup: Invictus in Reverse

 The World Cup opens in 90 days. But the crackdown and the protests have already begun.

Mar 10, 2010 / Dave Zirin

An Oscar for America’s Hubris An Oscar for America’s Hubris

What a shame that the one movie about the Iraq war that has a chance of being viewed by a large worldwide audience should be so disappointing.

Mar 10, 2010 / Books & the Arts / Robert Scheer

Hopeful Signs in Iraq? Hopeful Signs in Iraq?

Results are unknown, so far, and the threat of violence still simmers.

Mar 9, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

Justice Delayed in Bosnia Justice Delayed in Bosnia

Without accountability and adequate support for the victims of sexual violence during the Bosnian war, ethnic fault lines could deepen.

Mar 8, 2010 / Rajeshree Sisodia

Exit Strategies for Afghanistan and Iraq Exit Strategies for Afghanistan and Iraq

Members of Congress who oppose the US military presence in Afghanistan and Iraq are divided on strategies to force de-escalation.

Mar 8, 2010 / Tom Hayden

Iceland Busts the Banksters Iceland Busts the Banksters

Icelanders have become "the world's first rebels against the idea of clearing up after the mess made by a reckless private bank."

Mar 7, 2010 / John Nichols
