
Poor countries push back at COP15. Poor countries push back at COP15.

Are COP15 talks lurching toward the precipice of collapse?

Dec 14, 2009 / Robert S. Eshelman

Missing the forest for the trees. Missing the forest for the trees.

Every cloud has a silver lining -- except in Copenhagen.

Dec 14, 2009 / Robert S. Eshelman

The Sham Elections in Honduras The Sham Elections in Honduras

The Honduran elections were far from free, fair or peaceful, and the country now faces a deeper political crisis than before voters went to the polls.

Dec 14, 2009 / Feature / Laura Carlsen

Memo to Danes: Even You Cannot Control This Summit Memo to Danes: Even You Cannot Control This Summit

The Danes have invested a huge amount of money co-branding their capitol city with a summit that will supposedly save the world. That would be fine if this summit actually were on ...

Dec 13, 2009 / Naomi Klein

Obama’s Nine Surges Obama’s Nine Surges

Despite the seeming specificity of the president's West Point speech on the Afghan War--30,000 new troops at a cost of $30 billion--Americans got little sense of just how big and h...

Dec 11, 2009 / Feature / Tom Engelhardt

Big News from Copenhagen: Radical Cuts Urged, Deal In Jeopardy Big News from Copenhagen: Radical Cuts Urged, Deal In Jeopardy

The Alliance of Small Island Nations roils summit with call for huge emissions reductions as activists prepare for global day of action tomorrow

Dec 11, 2009 / Mark Hertsgaard

Contractors Watching Contractors Contractors Watching Contractors

The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan has hired a firm with ties to a powerful ex-Republican congressman to help prepare oversight reports on other corporations.

Dec 10, 2009 / Feature / Jeremy Scahill

A Practical Peace Advocate on Obama’s Nobel Speech A Practical Peace Advocate on Obama’s Nobel Speech

The Obama speech was about what I expected: on the one hand/on the other hand, I reject false choices, needle-threading "pragmatism." I have to say I find this rhetorical...

Dec 10, 2009 / Chris Hayes

Fight Climate Change, Not Wars Fight Climate Change, Not Wars

Here in Copenhagen, Obama's Nobel--which was awarded in part because of his re-engagement with the climate change negotiations--carries a special set of ironies.

Dec 10, 2009 / Naomi Klein

Interview with Bolivian Climate Change Ambassador Interview with Bolivian Climate Change Ambassador

The Ambassador on his delegation’s position at COP15, how negotiations are proceeding, and the importance of respect for the planet.

Dec 9, 2009 / Robert S. Eshelman
