There Is Much to Do: An Interview With Hugo Chavez There Is Much to Do: An Interview With Hugo Chavez
Hugo Chávez talks about his relationship with Barack Obama, the Honduran crisis, plans to extend the Pentagon's presence in Colombia, and domestic successes and challenges.
Sep 28, 2009 / Feature / Greg Grandin
Where is the Defund Blackwater Act? Where is the Defund Blackwater Act?
Democrats joined Republicans in voting to "Defund ACORN" yet have done nothing to stop Blackwater's taxpayer-funded crusade in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Sep 25, 2009 / Feature / Jeremy Scahill
Huge Hurdles to Nuclear and Energy Reform Huge Hurdles to Nuclear and Energy Reform
At the UN this week, Barack Obama told the world to stop complaining about US hegemony and start working with Washington on big global problems. He should take his own advice.
Sep 25, 2009 / Barbara Crossette
Activists Build on Historic Israel Divestment Victory Activists Build on Historic Israel Divestment Victory
Hampshire Students for Justice in Palestine defy Dershowitz and plan first national campus Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions conference.
Sep 25, 2009 / StudentNation / The Nation
A Tale of Two Countries A Tale of Two Countries
Silvio Berlusconi's increasingly erratic behavior may bring about his downfall. But in a bitterly divided Italy, the most likely successor does not look appetizing.
Sep 24, 2009 / Feature / Frederika Randall
How to Trap a President in a Losing War How to Trap a President in a Losing War
Are we heading for a Petraeus Moment in the Afghan War, along with a titanic civilian-military clash of wills?
Sep 24, 2009 / Feature / Tom Engelhardt
Feingold Q and A: Taking a Stand on Afghanistan Feingold Q and A: Taking a Stand on Afghanistan
Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold suggests that he will oppose more troops and funding for the war in Afghanistan if the Obama adminstration doesn't present a cohesive exit strategy.
Sep 22, 2009 / Feature / Tom Hayden
At the UN, Obama Moves In At the UN, Obama Moves In
This week's UN General Assembly session will be memorable not so much for what is said by the lineup of world leaders as for the sustained involvement of one of them: Barack Obama.
Sep 22, 2009 / Feature / Barbara Crossette
Upset at Unesco: Bulgaria Wins Top Job Upset at Unesco: Bulgaria Wins Top Job
In a surprise victory, Bulgarian diplomat Irina Bokova becomes the first female and first Eastern European head of Unesco.
Sep 22, 2009 / Feature / Barbara Crossette
Meet the Afghan Army Meet the Afghan Army
Whatever the debate in Washington, Congressional and military scenarios for training a vast Afghan Army will never come true.