Israel’s Man of Conscience Israel’s Man of Conscience
The author is going to prison--for peacefully resisting settler and army violence against West Bank Palestinians and the illegal expropriation of their land.
The Bagua Movement The Bagua Movement
Indigenous activists in Peru are challenging their government and its partners in the biofuels industry--and winning.
Jun 26, 2009 / Feature / Kelly Hearn
Ecuador President’s Bold Economic Plan Ecuador President’s Bold Economic Plan
Rafael Correa came to the United Nations this week armed with the usual anti-US rhetoric--but also with a plan for Latin American economic empowerment.
Jun 26, 2009 / Feature / Barbara Crossette
National Review vs The Nation: US as the Global Cop National Review vs The Nation: US as the Global Cop
In part two of a three-part series, Chris Hayes of The Nation debates Reihan Salam of the National Review over the proper role of the US military in the world.
Jun 25, 2009 / The Nation Video
Twittergasms Twittergasms
Why is it easier to raise 3 million tweets for demonstrations in Iran than to twit about Obama's sellouts at home?
Jun 24, 2009 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Iran’s New Revolutionaries Iran’s New Revolutionaries
At the heart of the Green Wave sweeping Iran are the fearless young men and women who have few illusions about the complexity of the reforms they seek.
Jun 24, 2009 / Babak Sarfaraz
Iron Hans Iron Hans
Novelist Hans Fallada resented the constraints of the Nazi era but did not desist in his craft.
Jun 24, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Benjamin Lytal
GOP Struggles to Smear Obama on Iran GOP Struggles to Smear Obama on Iran
The Nation's Chris Hayes analyzes the Republican response to the popular protests in Iran.
Jun 23, 2009 / The Rachel Maddow Show
MoveOn Resumes Antiwar Stance MoveOn Resumes Antiwar Stance
After months of silence on peace issues, MoveOn is mobilizing its members to demand an exit strategy for Afghanistan.
Jun 22, 2009 / Feature / Tom Hayden
The Civilian Casualties of War The Civilian Casualties of War
The footage you are about to see is poignant, heart-wrenching and often a direct result of a US foreign policy that revolves around war.
Jun 18, 2009 / Brave New Films