
London Falling London Falling

New Labour is finished. What replaces it will certainly be worse.

May 20, 2009 / Column / Gary Younge

KBR Got Bonuses for Work that Killed Soldiers KBR Got Bonuses for Work that Killed Soldiers

Former Halliburton subsidy KBR was paid $83 million in bonuses for work that electrocuted US soldiers, former employees testified today.

May 20, 2009 / Feature / Jeremy Scahill

Did McChrystal Violate Geneva Conventions? Did McChrystal Violate Geneva Conventions?

Obama's pick to be the top US commander in Afghanistan directed a screening center in Iraq in 2003 that held terror suspects in secret facilities to which the Red Cross did not hav...

May 19, 2009 / Feature / Tom Hayden

The Trials of Ehren Watada The Trials of Ehren Watada

The government drops efforts to prosecute an officer who refused to fight in Iraq. But the Army continues its campaign against him.

May 19, 2009 / Feature / Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith

What Was I Fighting For? What Was I Fighting For?

I witnessed firsthand the ineffectiveness of US military strategy in Afghanistan. We need a clear mission, an exit strategy and a commitment to diplomacy.

May 18, 2009 / Rick Reyes

In India Election, Moderation Rules In India Election, Moderation Rules

Defying expectations and boosting hopes for stability, Indian voters rejected extremism and caste divisions, to give a decisive victory to Congress Party moderates.

May 17, 2009 / Feature / Barbara Crossette

Guatemala’s Dirty War Guatemala’s Dirty War

Millions of recently declassified police documents detail a thirty-six-year reign of state terror.

May 15, 2009 / Feature / Michael Gould-Wartofsky and Kelly Lee

McChrystal’s Rise: More Secrets, Less Daylight McChrystal’s Rise: More Secrets, Less Daylight

His new role can only mean an intensified campaign of secret--and dirty--warfare in the remote villages of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

May 13, 2009 / Feature / Tom Hayden

94 Billion Reasons to Rethink Afghanistan 94 Billion Reasons to Rethink Afghanistan

As Afghan civilians die from US air strikes, Congress should rethink a bill that would be a blank check for expanding military operations.

May 13, 2009 / Brave New Films

The Politics of Escalation The Politics of Escalation

Democrats in Congress are quashing criticism of military escalation in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

May 12, 2009 / Tom Hayden and Joseph Gerson
