
Environmental Showdown on the Irish Coast Environmental Showdown on the Irish Coast

A seaside community's battle to prevent a gas pipeline from ruining fragile coast and bog lands enters its tenth year.

Apr 13, 2009 / Feature / Alexander Zaitchik

Morality Play Morality Play

In the wake of the Gaza incursion, the self-deceptions of the Israeli military have been exposed.

Apr 9, 2009 / Feature / Liel Leibovitz

Joe Lieberman’s Love of Lasers Joe Lieberman’s Love of Lasers

Jon Stewart wonders what upside down world sees a defense spending increase as a deep cut.

Apr 9, 2009 / The Daily Show

Ten Things You Can Do to Oppose the War in Afghanistan Ten Things You Can Do to Oppose the War in Afghanistan

Get involved in the peace movement. Demand oversight hearings. Read up on the war--and more.

Apr 8, 2009 / Z.P. Heller

Dennis Ross’s Iran Plan Dennis Ross’s Iran Plan

Is Obama's dialogue with Iran already doomed?

Apr 8, 2009 / Bob Dreyfuss

Casualties of Care Casualties of Care

The privatization of veterans' healthcare limits the government's ability to honor those who serve.

Apr 8, 2009 / Feature / Tara McKelvey

Fujimori: Guilty as Charged Fujimori: Guilty as Charged

Peru's disgraced former president becomes the first democratically elected head of state to be extradited, tried and convicted of human rights crimes.

Apr 7, 2009 / Feature / Peter Kornbluh

Fighting Foreclosure in South Africa Fighting Foreclosure in South Africa

The fight against foreclosures is not simply an American issue; it is a global issue. South African activists recount their experiences in this ongoing Tell The Nation series.

Apr 7, 2009 / Feature / The Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign

The UN vs. Israel: The Gaza Fallout The UN vs. Israel: The Gaza Fallout

A UN investigation of Israel's attacks on Gaza may put the US in the middle of a tense dispute between the international body and Israel.

Apr 7, 2009 / Feature / Barbara Crossette

Rethinking Afghanistan: Is Obama’s Strategy a Dead End? Rethinking Afghanistan: Is Obama’s Strategy a Dead End?

Unified in their opposition to the war in Iraq, liberal and antiwar groups are finding little common ground when it comes to Obama's escalation in Afghanistan.

Apr 7, 2009 / GRITtv
