
Rethinking the Canadian Exit Strategy Rethinking the Canadian Exit Strategy

For years, disenchanted US progressives figured they could always move to Canada. But Canadians, stuck with a conservative government, may now be eyeing America.

Dec 1, 2008 / Feature / Will Di Novi

Iraq Pact Challenges Antiwar Movement Iraq Pact Challenges Antiwar Movement

The US-Iraq Security Pact signals the war is ending--though not soon enough--and challenges peace activists to broaden their agenda against new quagmires.

Dec 1, 2008 / Feature / Tom Hayden

Peace Prize Comes With Criticism Peace Prize Comes With Criticism

As Martti Ahtisaari receives the Nobel Peace Prize on December 10, it is clear that the hard work of peacemaking does not guarantee universal acclaim.

Dec 1, 2008 / Feature / Barbara Crossette

Thailand in Chaos Thailand in Chaos

Its airports shut, Thailand is now ungovernable, as an educated elite attempts to overthrow the populist government it couldn't defeat at the ballot box.

Nov 27, 2008 / Feature / Barbara Crossette

The Fall of Triumphalism The Fall of Triumphalism

Because of the hubris of Bush and Cheney, we face a world of multiplied dangers, emboldened challengers and a paucity of reliable allies.

Nov 25, 2008 / Michael T. Klare

Can Obama Take On the Pentagon? Can Obama Take On the Pentagon?

Taking on the Pentagon, with its mega-budget and its mega-power, may be the hardest task Barack Obama faces.

Nov 25, 2008 / Feature / Frida Berrigan

Sean Penn Reflects on the Realities of Chavez and Castro Sean Penn Reflects on the Realities of Chavez and Castro

Actor-director Sean Penn debunks the many myths surrounding Cuba's Raúl Castro and Venezuela's Hugo Chávez.

Nov 25, 2008 / The Nation Video and Brett Story

Stolen Kisses: Iran’s Sexual Revolutions Stolen Kisses: Iran’s Sexual Revolutions

Is sexual promiscuity in Iran a sign of political ferment or of an unmoored generation's dissipated energies?

Nov 25, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Laura Secor

Conversations With Chavez and Castro Conversations With Chavez and Castro

Conversations with Raul Castro about Obama, Guantánamo and the Pentagon; and with Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez on human rights in his country and the next US administration.

Nov 25, 2008 / Feature / Sean Penn

Alone Among the Ghosts: Roberto Bolano’s ‘2666’ Alone Among the Ghosts: Roberto Bolano’s ‘2666’

Roberto Bolaño's last novel, 2666, is his most profound exploration of art and infamy, craft and crime, the writer and the totalitarian state.

Nov 19, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Marcela Valdes
