
The Business of War The Business of War

Even as congress denies billions in assistance to states, there is little if any talk of cutting US defense spending. Who's profiting and what is their interest in maintaining a wa...

Feb 10, 2009 / GRITtv

How Will Obama Engage on Human Rights? How Will Obama Engage on Human Rights?

Bipartisanship promises to be even harder to achieve on human rights than it is on a stimulus package. Two pending decisions at the United Nations will reveal the depth of the admi...

Feb 9, 2009 / Feature / Barbara Crossette

Steadfast Before Goliath Steadfast Before Goliath

A leading Palestinian politician defends his people and their nonviolent resistance to Israeli occupation.

Feb 6, 2009 / Mustafa Barghouti

Will Sri Lanka Drive the Tigers to Extinction? Will Sri Lanka Drive the Tigers to Extinction?

The Liberation Tigers may be on the verge of final defeat. But will a government military victory really solve the Sinhalese-Tamil conflict?

Feb 6, 2009 / Feature / Sumana Raychaudhuri

Rethink Escalation in Afghanistan Rethink Escalation in Afghanistan

The Obama administration must rethink its Afghanistan policy before committing more troops and money to the area.

Feb 5, 2009 / Brave New Films

Reflections of a Troubled Israeli Reflections of a Troubled Israeli

The Israeli left has emerged from the Gaza offensive weakened, dispirited, but not irrelevant. The bedrock of a change-oriented and open civil society exists.

Feb 5, 2009 / Naomi Chazan

France in the Streets France in the Streets

In cities and towns across France, people are calling for an in-depth economic revamping that favors the working class.

Feb 4, 2009 / Marc Perelman

Don’t Escalate in Afghanistan Don’t Escalate in Afghanistan

For the sake of the country, his presidency and peace in South Asia, Obama should take the US-led military escalation in Afghanistan off the table.

Feb 4, 2009 / The Editors

Jeremy Scahill on Blackwater: Leaving Iraq, Chasing Pirates? Jeremy Scahill on Blackwater: Leaving Iraq, Chasing Pirates?

The Nation's Jeremy Scahill reports that while Blackwater's Iraq contract won't be renewed, the powerful military corporation has no plans to slow down.

Feb 4, 2009 / Brett Story

Patrick Cockburn on America’s Defeat Patrick Cockburn on America’s Defeat

Patrick Cockburn, David Enders and Bassam Haddad discuss the recent elections in Iraq and the withdrawal of American troops.

Feb 4, 2009 / GRITtv
