Editorial Malpractice Editorial Malpractice
Deconstructing Russia coverage on the Washington Post editorial page.
Dec 11, 2008 / Mark Ames
Meddling in Kenya’s Elections Meddling in Kenya’s Elections
Will Obama change US Africa policy?
Dec 10, 2008 / Feature / Karen Rothmyer
A Crime Against Society A Crime Against Society
Rape destroyed the social fabric of Congo. Women are trying to repair it.
Jeremy Scahill on Democracy Now: The Blackwater Indictment Jeremy Scahill on Democracy Now: The Blackwater Indictment
Five Blackwater security guards are charged for their role in the 2007 Nisour Square massacre in Baghdad, Nation contributor Jeremy Scahill weighs in.
Dec 9, 2008 / Press Room
Greece in Flames, Again Greece in Flames, Again
The police shooting of a boy has unleashed riots and seething resentment in Greece among young people lost in the economic downturn and a society betrayed by a corrupt and incompet...
Dec 9, 2008 / Feature / Maria Margaronis
Justice, of a Sort, for Blackwater Justice, of a Sort, for Blackwater
Federal charges are filed against Blackwater guards accused of killing and maiming Iraqi civilians. But the company continues to operate in Iraq and its executives escape scrutiny.
Dec 8, 2008 / Feature / Jeremy Scahill
Trading Partners Trading Partners
Xavier Becerra, Obama's pick for US trade representative, could bring the change working people here and abroad can believe in.
Dec 3, 2008 / John Nichols
India’s Muslims India’s Muslims
The deep grievances of marginalized Indian Muslims are a source of major societal rifts, exacerbated by the anti-Muslim propaganda of Hindu fundamentalists.
Dec 3, 2008 / Barbara Crossette
Ending the Mindset Ending the Mindset
Dissenting views on Iraq and Afghanistan will have to come not from the hawkish national security team, but from outside Washington, and from Obama himself.
Dec 3, 2008 / The Editors
After Mumbai After Mumbai
There is no military solution to the crisis in South Asia. It falls to Barack Obama to create a new path out of the deepening Afghan-Pakistan crisis.
Dec 3, 2008 / The Editors