A Somber Anniversary A Somber Anniversary
Sixty years after the founding of the State of Israel, the long conflict with the Palestinians, and with the Arab world at large, casts a pall over Israeli life.
May 8, 2008 / Feature / Avi Shlaim
The Year of the Prisoner The Year of the Prisoner
Will Bush make America the ultimate POW by launching an attack on Iran?
May 8, 2008 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Gitmo in Disarray Gitmo in Disarray
Ethical conflicts and judicial dysfunction cloud the military commissions system at Guantánamo.
May 8, 2008 / Ross Tuttle
Letter From Iran Letter From Iran
Iranians' attitudes toward Ahmadinejad range from sullen tolerance to bitter hostility.
May 1, 2008 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss
The New Geopolitics of Energy The New Geopolitics of Energy
The Pentagon has now placed resource competition at the center of its strategic planning.
May 1, 2008 / Feature / Michael T. Klare
The Missing Debate The Missing Debate
Why aren't the presidential candidates talking about Moscow's impact on our national security?
May 1, 2008 / Stephen F. Cohen
Can Obama Resurrect Real Conservatism? Can Obama Resurrect Real Conservatism?
A conversation with Andrew Bacevich about what conservatives and progressives can hope for in the post-Bush era.
Apr 30, 2008 / Feature / Susannah Vila
Shirin Ebadi: Don’t Attack Iran Shirin Ebadi: Don’t Attack Iran
The Nobel Prize-winning activist says US threats, regime-change rhetoric and efforts to promote democracy only give Iran's leaders an excuse to intensify repression.
Apr 29, 2008 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss
Pentagon Pundits Scandal: Ignored Pentagon Pundits Scandal: Ignored
Why is the media ignoring one of the biggest political scandals in recent memory?
Apr 28, 2008 / The Daily Show
Battle of the Beijing Boycotts Battle of the Beijing Boycotts
Two days in May could mark a turning point in the debates over Olympic boycotts.
Apr 28, 2008 / Feature / Jeffrey Wasserstrom