The CIA’s Jose: Case Study in Cynicism The CIA’s Jose: Case Study in Cynicism
Long before a top bureaucrat was exposed for destroying secret interrogation tapes, the CIA shrouded his identity, making the press corps complicit in practices that would offend t...
Bush’s Iran/Argentina Terror Frame-Up Bush’s Iran/Argentina Terror Frame-Up
The Bush Administration cites a 1994 bombing in Argentina to tar Iran as a sponsor of global terror. But a fresh probe finds no evidence of an Iran connection.
Jan 19, 2008 / Feature / Gareth Porter
CSI: Iraq CSI: Iraq
Despite the cosmetic acts of President Bush, his undertakers and enablers, America's Iraq is still a corpse.
Jan 18, 2008 / Tom Engelhardt
NIMBY Comes to China NIMBY Comes to China
In Shanghai, angry, middle-class protesters say a high-speed train will wreck their quality of life. This new form of dissent could be one of the biggest challenges China will face...
Jan 18, 2008 / Feature / Jeffrey Wasserstrom
Experts in Terror Experts in Terror
The US government relies heavily on the testimony of self-styled terrorism experts in prosecuting the "war on terror." But how credible are they?
Jan 17, 2008 / Feature / Petra Bartosiewicz
Twin Disasters Twin Disasters
When will the candidates cease their petty sniping and address the real issues: the Iraq War and the faltering economy?
Jan 17, 2008 / The Editors
Nationalists Stirring in Iraq Nationalists Stirring in Iraq
An emerging Sunni-Shiite coalition could change the face of Iraq--if the United States steps back and gets out of the way.
Jan 16, 2008 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss
Those Ungrateful Saudis Those Ungrateful Saudis
After all he's done for them, why is it that Bush only gets a 12 percent favorability rating in Saudi Arabia?
Jan 16, 2008 / Column / Robert Scheer
Suharto’s Passage: One Small Man Leaves a Million Corpses Suharto’s Passage: One Small Man Leaves a Million Corpses
Indonesia's dictator is fading fast: But what of his people's memories of the civilians he killed?
Jan 15, 2008 / Allan Nairn
Battle Pieces Battle Pieces
In This Republic of Suffering, historian Drew Gilpin Faust strips from the Civil War any purpose beyond massive slaughter.
Jan 10, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Eric Foner