Inside the Surge Inside the Surge
The US occupation has torn Iraq into fragments, and sectarian militias are on the rise.
Chalabi’s Lobby Chalabi’s Lobby
Lobbyist Charles Black, now embroiled in controversy as a senior advisor to John McCain, was among those who aided Ahmed Chalabi's deceptive campaign for war in Iraq.
Apr 3, 2008 / Feature / Aram Roston
Shown Up by Sadr, Again Shown Up by Sadr, Again
To the humiliation of the US and Iraqi governments, the cleric's forces have faced down the Iraqi Army and are in control of Basra and half of Baghdad.
Apr 3, 2008 / Patrick Cockburn
India: What Ails the Giant? India: What Ails the Giant?
The west routinely celebrates the Indian economy as a stirring giant, but the worsening plight of the rural poor tells a different story: A conversation with Prabhat Patnaik.
Apr 2, 2008 / Feature / Jayati Vora
An Unreported Scandal An Unreported Scandal
The Bush Administration has presided over the highest run-up in military spending since World War II. As our economy collapses, why can't the media connect the dots?
Apr 2, 2008 / Column / Robert Scheer
It’s a Scandal, All Right It’s a Scandal, All Right
Media pundits and bloggers bloviate when journalists make mistakes. But where is their outrage over the biggest fraud of all: the way the media followed Bush to war?
Mar 31, 2008 / Mary Mapes
The Lessons of Basra The Lessons of Basra
The latest round of Iraq's Shiite vs. Shiite civil war was to have been Bush's defining moment. The result: utter humiliation for the US and the Iraqi government.
Mar 31, 2008 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss
Waiting for the Next Revolution Waiting for the Next Revolution
After fifty years of revolution, a change of leadership offers the possibility of significant change. But the average Cuban seems to have no idea how to proceed.
Mar 30, 2008 / Jordana Timerman
Unlawful Influence at Gitmo Unlawful Influence at Gitmo
Lieut. Cmdr. Brian Mizer has filed a motion to dismiss charges against Salim Hamdan, in light of new evidence documenting the improper involvement of political appointees.
Mar 28, 2008 / Feature / Ross Tuttle
Winter Soldier Winter Soldier
In three days of wrenching public testimony in Washington, DC, Iraq War veterans shared the horrors of war.
Mar 24, 2008 / Laura Hanna and Laila Al-Arian