
Al Jazeera Goes Mainstream Al Jazeera Goes Mainstream

The Arabic and English satellite broadcasts are giving voice to Arabs who challenge their governments, and ours.

Dec 14, 2007 / Feature / Ned Lamont

GWOT: Thailand GWOT: Thailand

Fear of terrorism has enabled Thailand's military dictatorship.

Dec 13, 2007 / Feature / Noy Thrupkaew

GWOT: Pakistan GWOT: Pakistan

As the Taliban gains strength, a nascent democracy in Pakistan withers.

Dec 13, 2007 / Feature / Shahan Mufti

GWOT: The Philippines GWOT: The Philippines

Since 9/11 the Philippines have seen an explosion of political killings.

Dec 13, 2007 / Feature / Luis H. Francia

GWOT: El Salvador GWOT: El Salvador

A new anti-terrorism law gives El Salvador carte blanche to stifle dissent.

Dec 13, 2007 / Feature / Wes Enzinna

GWOT: Egypt GWOT: Egypt

America's "war on terror" has strengthened Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's stranglehold on civil liberties.

Dec 13, 2007 / Feature / Negar Azimi

Forum: What GWOT Has Wrought Forum: What GWOT Has Wrought

George W. Bush's "global war against terror" unleashed a wave of repression felt around the globe. Reports from Egypt, El Salvador, the Philippines, Thailand and Pakistan.

Dec 13, 2007 / Feature / The Editors

Congress to CIA Torturers: ‘If Only You’d Told Us’ Congress to CIA Torturers: ‘If Only You’d Told Us’

The agency's secret destruction of tapes is a parable of the futility of oversight.

Dec 13, 2007 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Post-Annapolis Pitfalls Post-Annapolis Pitfalls

Washington must abandon the fantasy that an Israeli-Palestinian agreement can be reached in the face of deep divisions between Fatah and Hamas, the United States and Israel have f...

Dec 13, 2007 / Henry Siegman

Crime and Cover-Up Crime and Cover-Up

The CIA tapes' destruction and violation of anti-torture statutes they recorded require a special prosecutor.

Dec 13, 2007 / The Editors
