The Waiting Game The Waiting Game
Expect a flurry of hearings on Iraq when the new Democrat-controlled Congress convenes. But no real action from lawmakers or the President is likely to be taken.
Dec 14, 2006 / David Corn
Pinochet’s Legacy Pinochet’s Legacy
The death of Chilean strongman Augusto Pinochet should not blunt the work of healing the damage he has done and shining light on the truth.
Dec 14, 2006 / Marc Cooper
The Soviet Union, R.I.P.? The Soviet Union, R.I.P.?
The collapse of the Soviet Union was far from inevitable: A historic opportunity to democratize and marketize Russia by more gradual means was lost--and the people paid the price.
Dec 13, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Stephen F. Cohen
Counting Our Casualities in Iraq Counting Our Casualities in Iraq
We are fast, too fast, approaching the 3,000th American combat death in Iraq.
Dec 13, 2006 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman
The Rumsfeld Legacy The Rumsfeld Legacy
Donald Rumsfeld pops over to Iraq to tell his final lies.
Dec 13, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer
No Graceful Exit No Graceful Exit
The Iraq Study Group report may slow the impetus for immediate withdrawal from Iraq. Those who seek genuine military disengagement must make their voices heard.
Dec 11, 2006 / The Editors
Iraqis Seek to Stem Sectarian Violence Iraqis Seek to Stem Sectarian Violence
As the situation worsens and pressure builds for new US strategies, Iraqi groups are making tentative moves to stem sectarian violence.
Dec 8, 2006 / Feature / David Enders
Latin Left Turn Latin Left Turn
Hugo Chávez was re-elected not for his admiration of Castro but for presiding over a robust economy and aggressively improving the lot of Venezuela's poor.
Dec 8, 2006 / Daphne Eviatar
Free-Trade Bondage in Jordan Free-Trade Bondage in Jordan
The Jordan-US free-trade agreement was supposed to be a labor-rights model. It's been a disaster.
Dec 7, 2006 / Feature / Kristen Gillespie
Brady Kiesling’s Tale Brady Kiesling’s Tale
A disenchanted diplomat who lost faith in the Bush-era State Department and resigned over the war in Iraq remains idealistic.
Dec 7, 2006 / Scott Sherman