No Graceful Exit No Graceful Exit
The Iraq Study Group report may slow the impetus for immediate withdrawal from Iraq. Those who seek genuine military disengagement must make their voices heard.
Dec 11, 2006 / The Editors
Iraqis Seek to Stem Sectarian Violence Iraqis Seek to Stem Sectarian Violence
As the situation worsens and pressure builds for new US strategies, Iraqi groups are making tentative moves to stem sectarian violence.
Dec 8, 2006 / Feature / David Enders
Latin Left Turn Latin Left Turn
Hugo Chávez was re-elected not for his admiration of Castro but for presiding over a robust economy and aggressively improving the lot of Venezuela's poor.
Dec 8, 2006 / Daphne Eviatar
Free-Trade Bondage in Jordan Free-Trade Bondage in Jordan
The Jordan-US free-trade agreement was supposed to be a labor-rights model. It's been a disaster.
Dec 7, 2006 / Feature / Kristen Gillespie
Brady Kiesling’s Tale Brady Kiesling’s Tale
A disenchanted diplomat who lost faith in the Bush-era State Department and resigned over the war in Iraq remains idealistic.
Dec 7, 2006 / Scott Sherman
The Other Lieberman The Other Lieberman
Many Israelis and their US supporters are sleeping through the rise of the virulently anti-Arab Avigdor Lieberman, seen as a threat to democracy itself.
Dec 7, 2006 / Ben Lynfield
The Iraq Study Group: A Fatal Flaw The Iraq Study Group: A Fatal Flaw
The Iraq Study Group report is a stunning rebuke of Bush's Iraq policy. But its central premise--that the US can support the nonexistent Iraqi government and bolster its viciously ...
Dec 7, 2006 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss
A Fair and Square Vote in Venezuela A Fair and Square Vote in Venezuela
A New York judge, invited to observe the Venezuelan presidential election, discovers a functional democracy, reliable electronic-voting technology and a passionate, engaged elector...
Dec 6, 2006 / Feature / Emily Jane Goodman
John Bolton’s Greatest Hits John Bolton’s Greatest Hits
Exactly how much damage did John Bolton do during his tenure at the United Nations? Let us count the ways.
Dec 6, 2006 / Feature / Ian Williams
Jose Padilla’s Ordeal Jose Padilla’s Ordeal
The systematic abuse of an American citizen charged with vague crimes related to terror has destroyed his sanity and made us into what we despise.
Dec 6, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer