In Palestine, a Dream Deferred In Palestine, a Dream Deferred
Two new books explore fundamental Palestinian and Israeli concerns: The Iron Cage by Rashid Khalidi considers the Palestinians’ failure to achieve sovereignty, and One Country by A...
Nov 30, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Bashir Abu-Manneh
Mad Mel and the Maya Mad Mel and the Maya
Mel Gibson's violent new film Apocalypto exploits Maya culture and perpetuates racist stereotypes.
Nov 30, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Earl Shorris
Getting Out Getting Out
The foreign policy establishment knows the Iraq War is lost, but the search for an acceptable exit strategy has only just begun.
Nov 30, 2006 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss
Gaza and Darfur Gaza and Darfur
There's no political risk for US media to sound off over genocide in Darfur, but challenging Israel's shameful seige of Gaza is quite a different story.
Nov 30, 2006 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Time to Leave Time to Leave
If the Iraq Study Group faces reality, it will conclude that the only feasible option for America is to leave Iraq--as quickly as possible.
Nov 30, 2006 / The Editors
A Soldier’s Story A Soldier’s Story
"For just a minute or two, step into my life. I am a soldier in the Army Special Forces, just back from Iraq, where I lived and fought beside my Iraqi counterpart as we battled the...
Nov 29, 2006 / Feature / Major Bill Edmonds
The Boomerang War The Boomerang War
Bush launched the Iraq disaster, and it keeps coming back and hitting us in the head. And now he is counting on Iran to help bail us out.
Nov 29, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer
The Collaborator The Collaborator
The Unfree French looks at the German occupation of Vichy; Bad Faith is a grim biography of a French collaborator.
Nov 22, 2006 / Books & the Arts / David A. Bell
Bush’s Vietnam Analogy Bush’s Vietnam Analogy
President Bush has said many dumb things in defense of his Iraq policy. Citing the Vietnam War as a model is his most ludicrous.
Nov 22, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer
Prosecute Rumsfeld? Not Ridiculous Prosecute Rumsfeld? Not Ridiculous
A mainstream media legal analyst dismissed efforts to prosecute Donald Rumsfeld and others for war crimes as ridiculous. They're not.
Nov 21, 2006 / Feature / Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith